Steampunkemon: Sketching steampunk

by Blue moon

flying 2.jpg
Blue moon I do really want to start drawing stempunk pokemon trainers (I just named them steampunkemon XD) and I did this sketching but I don't think I'll have it colored until the glorious weekend arrives. I was so excited I decided publishing it like this and re-publish it painted once I have done it.
  1. EspeonTheBest
    @Blue moon I usually draw my pictures with sketches, but they're far too messy to post. It'll look like a bunch of colorful scribbles if I do. XD
    Mar 30, 2016
  2. Blue moon
    Blue moon
    Thanks for the good comments!
    @Bluefeather I'm such a fan of steampunk and I was searching through the internet and discovered it wasn't many pokemon steampunk around so I decided creating my own (I even have a steampunk city created in my mind, with a story and a plot and lots of stuff I'll be drawing eventually).
    @EspeonTheBest Really? For it's like super hard to draw without sketching first, when I don't my lineart looks like a weird and disgusting pasta.
    Mar 30, 2016
    Bluefeather likes this.
  3. Bluefeather
    Love the Steampunk line! Hopefully Steampunkmon will be the same. :)
    Mar 30, 2016
    Blue moon likes this.
  4. EspeonTheBest
    I'm sorry, I love not whatever 'I, over' is. XD
    Mar 30, 2016
  5. EspeonTheBest
    Wow! I ,over how sketches look, but mine never turn out right. XD this looks awesome!
    Mar 30, 2016
    Blue moon likes this.