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Poke Noob: Poke Noob: Pokemon Novel Part 3

by BravenYouTube

BravenYouTube Go through the novel series of a boy who doesn't know much about pokemon and just isn't the best trainer overall. Join him on his quest to watch and learn how he can become a master!
I venture far beyond my intentions and reach pewter city. I end up spotting the girl from earlier asking if anyone has soon a rocket grunt with a nidoran. No luck. We meet up and it got kind of awkward. Oh and she looked as if she aged somehow. "Hey have you seen my- oh hey nice seeing you again!" We discussed that neither of us had luck finding out partners, but when you thought things couldn't be worse Hunter showed up. Hunter is a bully in my home town and he starts to flirt with the girl. "Hello beautiful, what are you doing round' these parts" then came a wink. Hi I'm Morgan and it's very nice to meet you." For some reason I could feel myself feeling jealous. So good ol' childhood friend shall we have a pokemon battle?" It was as if he knew i was jealous. So then and there we had a battle. Rattata Vs. Squirtle!