Surprise Ponies: Cliff Hanger

by Zixal

Cliff Hanger.jpg
Zixal Behold, the protagonist.

One of my other friend's characters, Cliff Hanger is considered by all of us to be the central protagonist of the story, just because of how much he manages to get around. A righteous, good-hearted, and strong-willed soul with all the abilities he needs to get things done, Cliff is supportive of his family, his friends, and even those he doesn't know through everything from minor inconveniences to their lives under threat. Having saved many lives, worlds, even entire dimensions with his somehow perfect execution, Cliff is an unsung hero (and also accidental terror) to many.

A jeweler by day job, and an explorer of ruins by hobby, Cliff also found the time to marry a time traveler, Tempus Fugit, which quickly led to him becoming one as well. The master in cheesing victory out of any threat, Cliff is feared by many would-be villains, including his lifetime rival, Dr. Cogsworth. But that's a whole other can of worms.