Back to the Darkness: BTTD Chapter 5: Christmas Hands?

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 The group works together to try to share information, but the topic of discussion gets a bit strange....
“Y-yeah, we are.” Mikey said, seemingly caught off guard by their knowledge of our existence.

“Noah told you about all this?” I asked our doubles.

“Yeah,” Colorless Kara replied as she stood up and brushed herself out. “We found out just a few minutes before we were captured.” She asked, before another question came to her. “How did you two get here?”

“The same way Noah did,” I said simply.

“Which is?” Colorless Mikey asked, raising his eyebrows.

“We accidently wished ourselves here with a magic necklace from Nate.” I said, before contemplating how absurd it was. “This has been a weird week.”

“It certainly has.” Colorless Kara said before looking at the two of us. “How long were we unconscious?”

“Well, you and Mikey… you and Colorless Mikey… okay first of all we need to swap someone’s name, so can I call the two of you Michael and Dorothy?” I asked frustrated.

“Uh… sure?” Dorothy said before looking at Colorless Mikey.

“Doesn’t matter to me.” Michael agreed.

“Okay, well you and Michael were already captured when we got here. What day was it when he got you?” I asked Dorothy.

“It was Friday night after school.” Michael interjected, still on the ground. “What day is it today?” When I heard that, I looked over at Mikey and he looked about as pale as I felt.

“It’s Tuesday night.” Mikey said tentatively. “You’ve been out for about four days.” Dorothy and Michael’s eyes widened as he said that. “You don’t remember any of it?”

“No….” They said in unison.

“How did he do that to you?” I asked, wondering how he even pulled off something like that without them even remembering it.

“I don’t know, but it’s something that he injected in us. It’s also conductive, because the small metal piece he stuck in our fingers can emit electricity and that’s what knocked us out.” Dorothy explained.

“It’s also green.” Michael said. “I found that out during one of my monthly ‘training’ sessions, because the dude made a wrong cut and I bled a little bit, but my blood was red and green.”

“So you had Christmas hands?” Mikey joked, trying and failing to lighten the mood.

“What’s a Christmas?” Michael asked and Mikey’s jaw dropped.

“It’s a holiday… I guess you don’t have those here.” I said sadly. “Anyway, do either of you know how said chemical can be counteracted?”

“No,” Dorothy said, shaking her hair, but Michael seemed to have a different answer.

“Yeah, I do.” Michael interjected. “Remember Brendan?” He said, turning to Dorothy.

“Yeah, he was a transfer student a year or two ago. Why?” She asked.

“I was in the room for his first ‘training’. He fought it and some of the chemical got into the dude’s eyes and the dudes freaked out about it, but they ended up taking out a small little projector thing that shone with a weird pink light. They mentioned that it neutralized the chemical and the residual green chemical that was still on his face evaporated in the pink light with no damage done to him.”

“So we need to find or replicate that projector.” I said. “Sounds like a plan.”
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