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Zula the Espeon

by Dim Dim

Dim Dim This is a new Pokesona of mine, Zula! Most information is in the reference, but here is some information in the description, too.

Level: 39
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Nature: Timid
Characteristic: Likes to run
Fighting style: Zula likes to run around as fast as she can, so she can dodge everything, and make her opponent tired, then she can attack her opponent. Though in air, she can not dodge, but she can counter attack. When she makes her opponent tired, she uses Dream Eater.
  1. Dim Dim
    Dim Dim
    @Midnight Princess Zula: Well, thanks, though I do not see myself as 'cute' sometimes, I see other people do. Again, thanks.
    Jul 23, 2017
    Midnight Princess likes this.
  2. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    She's so flippin' cute! :love:
    Jul 23, 2017
    Dim Dim likes this.