The Ninjago OC Squad: Zukelo Sheniru

by Pro Hero Dekiru

Pro Hero Dekiru @_Tapu_Ziru_
@Generation Sect
@Excalibur Queen

Jet: FINALLY. THE SECOND TO LAST ONE. The last one is me, and I'm wondering if I shouldn't do one for me, since this took so freaking long. Anyways, Zu's a nice guy.
Most of the time.
He and I don't agree with each other all of the time. His abilities include shapeshifting into any animal, whether it be real, mythological, or legendary. I've yet to ask him if he can turn into a Pokemon. Well, he's bound to see this. Can you?
Well anyways, now for the juicy stories.
Once, it was his turn to wake up Sylvia, the girl that so happens to have a crush on him. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you look at it, so does he. He went into her room, and his powers went haywire, and he happened to turn into a cat. He went to wake her up, and he unluckily transformed back, ending up on top of her. Nice one, dude.
I once spent most of my money on taxidermy parts to hang up all around his room to scare him with the stuffed corpses of the animals he had become. Had to keep everyone else out of the room to make the prank work.
Overall, he's a good guy. At least, that's what everybody else says. Now then, I'm gonna go plant fake puke all over his room.

  1. flint-n-steel
    Zu: Also, you forgot to mention my AMAZING cooking and singing skills, boi.
    Sep 22, 2018
  2. Pro Hero Dekiru
    Pro Hero Dekiru

    I was going to have you do that anyways. And I'm not being forced to say that by an angry OC maker with a shotgun standing behind me.
    Aug 10, 2018
    _Ziruminous likes this.
  3. flint-n-steel
    Aug 10, 2018
  4. flint-n-steel
    Zu : *Awkwardly laughing, while stuck in a tree with loads of acorn around him.* Whaaat? I-I don’t look like...
    Ziru : Of course you look like that. *Snorts* You should see your face when you go way too far after villains have hurt villains hurt Sylvia or something and you go way over board and have that scary insane evil look on your face.
    Zu : Well, my hair-
    Ziru : And all of us know about your secret one year hair gel supply.
    Zu : ...
    Ziru : Actually, you look like that right now. Minus the smiling-!
    Ziru : See? Anger issues. =)
    Zu : Dafuq do you mean?!
    Ziru : I wonder what would happen if you met Bakugou.
    *Some time later*
    Zu : Okay, I’m alone here, so uh..turning into a Pokémon? I’m not sure...I mean, a ditto is basically a shape shifting Pokémon, so I GUESS...? I don’t know. Depends on how Ziru and the others see it. Probably not, tbh.
    Aug 10, 2018
  5. Pro Hero Dekiru
    Pro Hero Dekiru
    Jet: I'm kidding about the taxidermy parts. Though there were statues of animals. Very realistic statues of animals. They looked and felt just like the real thing, though there was no murder, and no stuffing. Just wooden statues covered with plastic and imitation animal fur. I also put stitches on he back of them to make it seem like they were taxidermy.
    But they weren't animals.

    And I promised nothing! I hacked into the Bounty security cameras when nobody was looking and got the feed on my phone. And now the footage is in my computer. And everybody we know has a copy. I personally have twelve copies.
    Aug 10, 2018
    _Ziruminous likes this.
  6. YourLittleSylvia
    Sylvia: *horrified* Y-you did WHAAAAAT?! *She began to tear up*

    A-also... *her face is barely visible under her blush* I-I thought you said you'd keep that incident a secret...!
    Aug 10, 2018