Zelgadis and Jasper birth of a powerful duo: Zelgadis and Jasper Birth of a Powerful Duo 4

by Silvally

when i came to i was chained up my legs unable to move my mouth muzzled and my head had chains attached to both sides of the small room i struggled but nothing a man came in to the room he wore a white coat
"Ah you're awake" he said "good i like when my subject is awake" he said opening a kit taking all manners of sharp tools out coming close to me i don't wanna remember those days as that mad man sliced me up and messed me up in all manners till one day he came down with a sad look opening his kit again "well looks like you're lucky beast the king said that little girl won't stop sobbing till your back" i smiled jasper was still ok "and i guess the prince wants his future bride to stop complaining" future bride so that's what this was about the bratty kid was trying to force Jasper to marry him the man took something out of his kit a metal chip with what looked like staples on it "so I'll just slap a control chip on you" he said with a smile
"C- Chip" i stuttered out in a human voice
"oh gaining a voice" the man asked "with this we'll be able to control your behaviors you saw his majesty's pet Houndoom follows his control without question due to this baby" the man said control me no i couldn't let this happen the man shaved a small bit of my fur off cleaning the skin he put the chip close to the spot when i hear a yell Jasper calling for me she was in danger jerked around smashing the man in his nose with my head he held his nose as it bled "you shit" he yelled
"i will i will..." i stuttered "i will not be yours" i yelled something in my cheek began to spin i flared up slashing my claws flames came out destroying the chains on them i smashed the rest getting my muzzle off the man looked shocked and terrified as i towered over him but even through that week of torture i wasn't mad enough to kill him not when Jasper needed me i leapt over him charging to Jasper i found her in the throne room surrounded by two Pokémon Houndoom and another it looked like a human but with green hair and a flowing white dress a red horn grew through its body
"Leave her be she's just a child" a woman said running in holding Jasper close
"You lost your say years ago Johanna" the king yelled "now get back to your chambers or they will attack"
"No i don't wanna stay here" Jasper cried the Pokémon closed in around her and Johanna i slashed Houndoom away getting between them and Jasper "Zel" Jasper cheered
"What Pokémon is that" Johanna asked
"Go... go away" i yelled
"Houndoom take that Pokémon down" the king yelled
"Gardevoir no mercy on him" the woman with the king yelled both attacked me i didn't know what to do i slashed back but got knocked away but charged back at them
"This is getting trite" The king said holding a bead up the queen did the same "mega evolve" they yelled both Pokémon were surrounded in cocoons they broke out in new forms and attacked me again they were so much stronger i got flung against a wall Jasper ran to me
"Zel" she cried
"You have to help him" Johanna yelled
"Help how" Jasper yelled
"A Pokémon and its human partner have to work together watch his back and tell him when, who and how to attack" Johanna said
"Oh ok" Jasper said we both stood Johanna took out a device
"he's a fire type and his known moves are tri attack, Iron head, X-scissor and Multi attack... multi attack what's that move" Johanna said my moves hmm i had never heard there names before but somehow i knew them
"Oh Zel lets go" Jasper yelled i began running at the two Pokémon
"Gardevoir is weak against steel type use Iron head" Johanna said
"Ok Zel Iron head on the human like one" i yelled i ran at Gardevoir smashing her with my head she smashed against the wall falling changing back to it pervious form
"What" the queen yelled "you useless Pokémon get up" she yelled but Gardevoir was out
"Houndoom double-edge" the king yelled Houndoom charged at me smashing in to me it hurt really badly but Houndoom didn't come out unscaved
"Um um ok" Jasper said "X-scissor" she yelled i slashed the dog and he went down changing back to his normal form
"How dare you" The king yelled an alarm began to blare "i tried to play nice kid but you asked for it" several castle guards rushed in with mind controlled Pokémon they rushed us
"Multi-attack" Jasper screamed i slashed my claws and fire flung out burning the other Pokémon the castles rug began to spread the fire and it spread fast one of the soldiers grabbed the King and Queen ushering them out while others came after us so many
"Come on" Johanna yelled leading us out we began to run away but Johanna began to lag
"Come on" Jasper yelled grabbing her arm
"I can't" she said
"What" Jasper asked
"My daughter is still here" Johanna said
"Then we can go get her" Jasper yelled
"No we can't they will hit us with full force soon" Johanna said "I'll hold them get out"
"b-but" Jasper said
"Don't worry they won't hurt me they still want me to take care her" Johanna said Jasper looked about to cry
"Take this" Johanna said handing Jasper the device she used earlier "it will help you become a Pokémon trainer i know you can" Johanna said we heard people close to us "go"
"Wait but" Jasper yelled
"come on" i yelled grabbing her in my mouth running getting out of the Castle jumping the fence running as far as i could stopping in a dense forest putting Jasper down laying down trying my best to catch my breath Jasper was sobbing i looked back at her she climbed on my back "you ok"
"She was nice i wanted to save her" Jasper said
"Look Jas we can't save everyone she didn't wanna come we couldn't have changed her mind" i said
"Yeah i know" Jasper said
"What now we can't go home they'll find us" i said
"We have to get to Sinnoh" Jasper said
"Sinnoh" i asked
"that lady said she escaped there she said there people and Pokémon live together they help each other make cities that are taller than forests and people called Pokémon trainers compete against each other" Jasper said
"The world mom dreamed of is real" i asked
"Mom dreamed of" Jasper asked
"Mom wanted a world where humans and Pokémon are friends" i said jasper began gripping my fur tighter then whipped the tears from her eyes
"Then were going there mom couldn't reach her dream but i will for the both of us" Jasper yelled
"yeah lets go we'll find Sinnoh" i yelled we both had high hopes but after days and days of searching we seemed no closer to our utopia "another day and nothing" i said laying down licking the bottoms of my pained feet
"Sorry that you have to do all the walking but my legs are short" Jasper said
"yeah don't worry i would have to walk weather you rode me or not no way you're carrying me" i said Jasper chuckled taking out the device Johanna had given her opening it for the first time then waving it in front of me looking at the data
"i still have no clue what these types mean" she said clicking around on features then a chart came up "type chart?" she asked looking it over "oh some types do more or less damage then others on certain Pokémon" she said
"That thing sure has a lot of info on Pokémon" i said
"miss Johanna said it's called a trainer companion" Jasper said "come on lets test out your moves" she said i nodded getting up we practiced moves and combos all day even fighting some Pokémon that came our way we found a nice patch of land to sleep Jasper cuddled under my arm as i laid my head down and she put her little arms around me "Zel even though you're a Pokémon your still my brother right" she asked
"yeah i always will be nobody will ever hurt you again not ever" i said Jasper smiled holding my face close i closed my eyes and went to sleep the next morning i woke to noises Jasper was messing with her trainer companion "Jas you're up early" i said
"I had a hard time sleeping" she said
"What you looking at" i asked scooting closer to her looking at the screen
"learning more about Pokémon where ever this Sinnoh is they know a lot almost everything even a Pokémon's nature can change how they fight" Jasper said
"Interesting" i said getting up shaking "come on we have to find something to eat"
"K" Jasper cheered following alongside me we found lake with fish pokemon swimming around "ah can we get them" Jasper asked
"i suppose mom and dad brought fish home before but i don't know how" i said looking around for something to get them i grabbed a large branch chewing it in to a pike stabbing at the water trying to get something but having to use my mouth i couldn't see as i stabbed
"Zel give me i can do it" Jasper said
"You don't have enough strength" i said
"no I'm not" Jasper yelled taking the stick from me stabbing at the fish pokemon i sighed grabbing another stick starting to reshape it when i heard a splash followed by a loud howl of pain i turned to see a blue lobster pokemon had its large claw closed around Jasper i rushed to her biting the pokemon till it let go of her facing me as i beat it up I pinned it under my claws grabbing its large claws in my mouth smashing it's shell pulling at the claw till it ripped off the pokemon let out a scratch i grabbed its head twisting it and the pokemon fell dead i heard jasper yell out again i walked to her, her torso was ripped open i cradled her in my arms as she cried holding my head close i started licking her wound as she whimpered i picked her up gently in my mouth bringing her back to our previous camp site laying her in the pressed down grass i ran off finding herbs mom used on me when i would get hurt biting them till the juices dripped on to her wound then Ripped a part of my shirt off i had my fur she didn't then did my best to wrap her up she hadn't lost to much blood i held her softly to my chest as she cuddled up not talking and her breathing was labored
"Jasper" i mumbled as her little hands held my fur tight i slowly let her fall to the ground resting i didn't know what to do i promised her she would never hurt again i couldn't sleep