
by DizzyW

DizzyW so for the people who dont know who this sweet little flaming dog dragon thing is...
It is the last monster you fight in the main storyline of Monster Hunter World.
You guys should really play the game it amazing!
I have beaten this guy twice >:3
  1. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I don't see any shame in having God and Anime on your side ;)
    May 7, 2019
    DizzyW likes this.
  2. DizzyW
    @Red Gallade aaaah nice choice! I really want to try the switch axe! I personally love using dual blades, even tho people say im a weeb for using them. I just love them and i slashed trough the whole game with it. I use the fire and ice ones atm.
    May 7, 2019
  3. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    Easy, when I started, all I used was the switch axe, if I remember, I wielded the Terror Tyrannos (Improved Deviljho switch axe) before my reset happened.
    May 7, 2019
    DizzyW likes this.
  4. DizzyW
    @Red Gallade awh that is really unfortunate. I have battled arch tempered Teostra and arch tempered Nergigante, but im planning on doing Vaal next! Btw what weapon do you like best? Just want to know lol
    May 7, 2019
  5. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I've gotten quite far on the game, even managed to solo an Arch Tempered Vaal Hazaak, but thanks to a ps4 problem, I'm back at square one on MHW :(
    May 7, 2019
    DizzyW likes this.
  6. flint-n-steel
    Jan 19, 2019
    PrincessPika and DizzyW like this.