Writing Prompts: Writing Prompts: 17

by RenzFlintrock

RenzFlintrock I had no real way to fit this in with my main story, so I just made this. And today's prompt is:

"I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public."
Lilly skipped down the lane, frolicking and leaping. The day was bright, a perfect holiday. And the girl was free, if only for a day. She could play with her friends in the fresh, crisp snow and the warm sunshine without a single care.

She skipped into the small park with a cheery shriek to her friends. The games halted long enough for her to join in, and she did so with gusto. They played all manner of games. Tag, Duck Duck Goose, and many other delightful children's pastimes.

They were in the middle of a game of Blindman's Buff, and Lilly was wandering around with a blindfold on when she heard a familiar voice.

"I see you've set aside this special time to make a fool of yourself."

Lilly knew that voice. She tugged off her blindfold to see Priscilla and two of her snobby friends giggling at her. All of her friends were crouched away in their spots for the game, and it must have been a rather ridiculous sight to see her wandering around blindly, arms flailing.

"Any decent young lady would be in her best clothes, spending time with family..."

"Then why aren't you at home, then, Pris-"

"Because they're right over there."

She pointed, and there indeed were the three families of the girls, all dressed neatly and talking together. Priscilla looked superior and smug, and there was nothing Lilly could do.
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