Top5: Worst Characters from Good Media

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 I thought copying Phantom Strider was a good idea. I'm sorry.
Media is good, because media is great.
But that doesn't mean it's ALL good.
I'm DopeLeafeon, and this is my Top5 WORST characters from good media.

The following entry may contain content that could trigger Sonic fans. Good? Okay.
#5: Tails, Sonic the Hedgehog (Series)
I know you'll all get triggered with me.
I can smell it.
I know that Tails is a good character, and I can understand why.
Heck, he used to be my favorite character before I started liking Silver.
But I've come to realize:
Is he a friend or a fan?
If you guessed fan, that's my correct opinion.
Sonic is a nice guy.
Obviously he's just pretending that Tails is his best friend so that he won't feel bad.
But it's not just that.
Tails' voice...UGH, HIS VOICE!
"Look at all those Eggman's robots!"
"Sonic! We only have 24 hours left!"
I'm about as annoyed as Brody Foxx when he comes across the bees in Donkey Kong Country.
No pun intended.
I think Tails deserves better character than a superfan of his best friend.
That's just creepy.
Season 1 Episode Something: Tails' Crush is stupid.
It's supposed to teach you how to talk to girls without being awkward, yet I don't see any boys with electronic whiplashes saving ladies from giant robots created by a man who fused with an egg.
And there's a reason why he's put on Number 5.
He has great character development.
I'mma just go before I get any more salty Sonic fans.

Ah, games from 2007.
They'll always say it'll get overshadowed by games like Overwatch and Paladins, but at the end of the day, we'll always come back for more Team Fortress 2.
And a lot of you might be surprised at this, but I'mma risk it for a biscuit.
#4: Scout, Team Fortress 2
This is technically hating on myself.
Think of Scout as the minions.
The last cinematic from Team Fortress 2 was Jungle Inferno, and the only mercenary who got actual dialogue was Scout.
And when people think Team Fortress 2, they think the main mercenary is Scout, even though it's Heavy.
Just like the minions, how people think that the minions are the main characters of Despicable Me, even though it's Gru.
And on the actual game, there are more Scout mains than any other mercenary.
You really can't run away from the runaway.

For those of you who haven't seen my profile pic or my bio, I love South Park.
And to be honest, I don't want to.
But it's funny.
And it has bad characters.
But only one, who doesn't get much attention, and I hate it.
#3: Clyde, South Park
Clyde is an innocent boy who gets tortured for no reason.
You always think that the boys are always being bullied except for Kenny, but they actually bully Clyde.
And honestly, there's no reason to.
They call him the fattest kid beside Cartman, and just beat him up.
There was only one time when he was evil, and that was because he got bullied by Cartman.
Then he turned into an evil overlord who was the second-to-last boss in the whole game.
Which is South Park: The Stick of Truth.
Not only that, but his personality is dull.
We only know Clyde for always being the kid who takes all of the hits, the one who's fragile from the unforgiving world that is Earth.
I'd say Clyde is my second favorite South Park character, my first being Craig. Or Stan.

You can't go on a Pokecharms Top5 without a Pokemon.
And this one fit perfectly.
It is NOT a Pokemon from Gen 5.
Or Gen 6 or 7.
Or 4 or 3.
Or even 2.
It's from where it all started.
And since it made its debut in the anime, people have used it as a subject of torment for every poor Pokemon RPer.
#2: Eevee, Pokemon (Series)
I may regret all the other ones, but I don't regret this one.
This would've been #1, but there's one more dude that stands in the way.
Very few people believe it, but people deceive Eevee for its cuteness.
Eevee is the culmination of cuteness in the Pokemon games, and ever since, it's never been used for battle.
It's never been used to help with projects or science.
It has been used since its debut, TO STAND THERE AND LOOK CUTE.
Max's Eevee only used two moves,
Serena's Eevee was only used to showcase Sylveon, Gen 6's new Eeveelution,
and that dude from the Unova anime's Eevee was simply there to be his partner.
And it's not just in the anime.
Countless roleplays have used Eevee as a subject of cuteness and cuteness only.
Only few can master the art of Eevee.
(3 likes for a guide on how to do that!)
But Eevee is the EVOLUTION Pokemon. Not the CUTENESS Pokemon.
I was once an Eevee, and I spent so much time near that Moss Rock in Eterna Forest no one noticed my existence because I evolved and became less cute!
And believe it or not, I LIKE it that way!
People that have only used Eevee to be cute should be SLAPPED IN THE FACE!

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I'm annoyed SO MUCH every letter should be exaggerated.
Hey, looks like a pretty fun hill to ski down from my view.
#1: Toads, Super Mario (Series)
The peaceful inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom...THOSE LAZY ASSES!
Quicksilver: (shoots gun) Get off your asses!
They see Peach get kidnapped SO OFTEN!
Do they do ANYTHING about it?
Do they help Mario on their journey?
Toads are given no personality, they are simply there to annoy you!
Even if you TRY, it's still multiplayer! Multiplayer is supposed to make a game easier, but that one douchebag ALWAYS has to throw you off the edges!
Toads are ANNOYING!
Toads are USELESS!
The ONLY way I find them useful is in the Mario Kart games!
But Link is in there!
Toads are the bane of my existance, and THAT'S why they place #1 on my Top5!
This is being the Dopest of Leafeon!
And I hope you all have a fabulous day!
T.C. and Fraseandchico like this.