Coven: Witch Linkachu

by JadaDoesArt

JadaDoesArt For all the people asking to join the Coven. Please stop. I put it together as a thing for me and my friends.

@Linkachu is also in the coven.
I tried to keep the colors as close to a zelda theme as I could for obvious reason. (^^)
  1. Skyst
    This is my entire life right here. This includes everything I love in the world XD
    Sep 26, 2018
    PrincessPika and JadaStark2015 like this.
  2. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    Not gonna lie, the scarf is what sells it. I could see this as a Halloween themed plushy being sold at the Nintendo Store.
    Sep 23, 2018