Vivianne Delmare: Wishiwashi - Vivi

by limniris

Wishiwashi (School form) - various, Jolly, proud of its power

Vivi was commissioned by a fellow colleague to take care of a school of fish. She agreed on the assumption that the school in question was of Remoraid or possibly Finneon, both of which made good pet species. Unfortunately it turned out to be the most well-coordinated species of water-types, Wishiwashi.

Schools of Wishiwashi cannot be kept in tanks, for they will happily break the glass no matter how big the tank is. Pools are preferable, but Wishiwashi, like most water-types, are poisoned by chlorine and the pools thus require frequent manual cleaning because disinfectants can't be used. Vivi didn't know a thing about tropical fish maintenance like her colleague did, so trying to take care of a whole school of them proved a challenge.

In the end, none of them died, so she counts it as a success. She still sees the school from time to time when she visits her colleague, and they typically greet her by breaching above the water of their pool. If they're in a playful mood they splash her.

((I'd like to expand more on Vivi's work partners, so this *mysterious colleague* WILL get a name. Most of the Pokémon I'm making descriptions for don't belong to Vivi, by the way. Seadra is currently the only personal Pokémon I have in mind for her. The ones that she does have pokeballs for are still feral and not used for trainer battles, and she doesn't have any intention of battling with them in the first place. Not to say it won't happen at some point, though...))
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