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Will You be My Valentine

by Fiji Water

  1. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    Um this wasn't even my idea, you did see that it was a request, right?

    (By the way when you say something like that it's hard to not take it as an insult, you're basically saying "I'm right, there is no other option")
    Mar 16, 2017
    *that* guy and HeartStamp like this.
  2. MasterchiefMatthew
    No effence
    Mar 16, 2017
  3. MasterchiefMatthew
    NO!!!!Sylveon is SHIPPED with Umbreon.Not that green Abomination thats pukes!
    Mar 16, 2017
  4. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Yeah, I suppose so... *le shrug*
    Mar 16, 2017
  5. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    @*that* guy
    Man that's complicated
    Don't we love being teenagers
    >.> But like Argonaut said, at least you have a chance xD

    @The Argonaut
    Sort of? xD And wow that's rough. But it doesn't mean you have no chance, my brother is almost a full year older than his girlfriend...
    Mar 16, 2017
    *that* guy and The Argonaut like this.
  6. *that* gay guy
    *that* gay guy
    No no @The Argonaut that make stuff better or worse that situation is case by case
    Mar 16, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  7. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Sky, you lucky ducky! xD

    Aw, rip, @*that* guy, but hey, at least you have a shot with them! I most certainly don't... especially since I'm a freshman and he's a junior... send help. D;
    Mar 16, 2017
    *that* guy likes this.
  8. *that* gay guy
    *that* gay guy
    @The Argonaut my crush know I exist but either
    A. Acts like she thinks I'm nice but hates me
    B. Koans I exist but dosnt care
    C. Thinks I'm a joke
    And and the mini cherry on to my other crush who I'm friends with is in one pretty dam complicated relationship so I don't know if I should ask her out or what
    Mar 16, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  9. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    @The Argonaut
    Aw that's terrible. :(
    That can happen in larger groups, like big classrooms or whatever. Luckily for me I see him in a tiny Sunday school college age class with usually only 3-5 people, so he usually has no choice but to talk to me >:3
    Mar 15, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  10. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Hey, at least your crush talks to you. Mine either doesn't know I exist or thinks I'm some crazed two-year-old. It's a hard knock life, indeed... *cries*
    Mar 15, 2017
  11. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    Blargh I know the feel
    I only see my crush on Sunday mornings
    I just about die when he talks to me ;-;

    Thank you so much, I will! :D
    Mar 15, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  12. L.Trainer101
    this looks amazing:angel:

    keep up the good work:up::up::up::up::up::up::up:
    Mar 15, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  13. TheShinyRaichu
    This is sorta hard to look at, knowing that no female Raichu notices me.
    Mar 14, 2017
  14. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    Mar 14, 2017
    The Argonaut and Tsu like this.
  15. Nyxel
    Yep but its not just his tail..its his paws and his ears are shiny colored.
    Mar 14, 2017
    The Argonaut and GalaxySky like this.
  16. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Yep, you're right! There are a couple things, though.

    Dusk is a half-shiny Poochyena, with the coloring of a normal Poochyena except for his tail, which is the shiny color. (Just tell me if I missed anything, alright, @Tsu?)

    Kit-Kat's a Vulpix that doesn't have the same hair style, fur color, or eye color of a normal Vulpix. Also, she's super frickin' short. (I drew her out not that long ago. Even though she looks possessed, the picture can still be found in my artwork.) (That other art I did of her and Dusk can give you an example of how short she really is.)

    I'm probably missing stuff, but I dunno...
    Mar 14, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  17. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    @The Argonaut
    If I remember correctly, Dusk is a Poochyena and Kit Kat is a Vulpix.
    If there's anything else I need to know, then yes xD
    Mar 14, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  18. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Neat! Thanks a bunch!

    Need to know more about Dusk and Kit-Kat? Probably, right? xD
    Mar 13, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  19. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    @The Argonaut @Tsu
    I'll see if I can get it done! All my offsite stuff is done so I should be able to!
    Mar 13, 2017
    Tsu likes this.
  20. Nyxel
    Oh cool.
    i would love to do this with dusk and Kit-kat.
    Mar 13, 2017
    The Argonaut and GalaxySky like this.
  21. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    I mean, only if you wanna. :p

    And if @Tsu agrees. Dusk is his. xD
    Mar 13, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  22. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    @The Argonaut
    Well, my request thred is closed at the moment, but since I am on spring break...I might be able to get something done for you ;)
    Mar 13, 2017
    The Argonaut likes this.
  23. Il Fantasma
    Il Fantasma
    Dang, now I kinda want to see something like this with Kit-Kat and Dusk, but I dunno...!
    Mar 13, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  24. *that* gay guy
    *that* gay guy
    Dat ship doh
    Mar 13, 2017
    GalaxySky likes this.
  25. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    Mar 13, 2017
    HeartStamp likes this.
  26. Formerly Known as Sticks
    Formerly Known as Sticks
    Yesssss! This is great!
    Mar 13, 2017
    HeartStamp and GalaxySky like this.