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ASSAULT!!: Widowmaker VS Sniper (Overwatch VS Team Fortress 2)

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 I've always wanted to do this.
Since both games were released, it's always been a debate on which game was better: Overwatch or Team Fortress 2. Because apparently there was a Team Fortress 1. But since ScrewAttack! already covered Tracer VS Scout, it's my turn now!

He's DopeLeafeon and I'm Rotom!
And we're here to study weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win THE ASSAULT!!
When Widowmaker was just a little girl, she was afraid of spiders. So she became one!
Widowmaker mainly supports her main weapon, Widow's Kiss. The Widow's Kiss can one-hit an enemy with enough accuracy. She can also use her grappling hook to get around more effectively.
But when Widowmaker isn't close enough in, her Widow's Kiss can shoot rapidly, but at the cost of VERY FEW DAMAGE.
Especially in the cinematic trailers, boy, is she a badass! She sniped the president (I think) from more than 50 feet in the air and 150 yards away! She ALMOST sniped the next one, but then SOMBRA over here HAD to--
ANYWAY, she's quite the relaxed person in any situation. Tracer was about to throw her off the edge of a building until her helicopter came by!
Widowmaker's quite the lady. She's like some of the Jedi in Star Wars, but she's, like, a sniper!
But, as we've stated before, she prefers to stay far away, and when she gets up close, her rapid fire doesn't do much.
She's pretty agile, too. With her grappling hook and always staying behind cover, she's a pretty hard target to find.
Widowmaker is just the most badass character in Overwatch. In my opinion.
Widowmaker: When I was a little girl, I had a fear of spiders. I was told they had no emotion, their heart never beat. But little do they know, when the spider is almost dead, that's when they're the most alive.
Sniper's real name is Mr. Mundy, the Australian member of Team Fortress, prefers to stay far away when in combat with his classic Sniper Rifle. He also has SMG for close combat.
Even when things go super wrong, he has his Kukri for SUPER super close combat. Man, this dude's got himself covered!
Sniper stays awake all day and all night, watching over Redmond's base. He brushes his teeth every morning and watches the pictures on the side of the mirror, telling him who he should assassinate next.
Sniper: As long as there's 2 people on this planet, someone's gonna want to kill the other.
Sniper's probably the dullest character when talking personality, but that's only because people are so jealous of his sniping skills. As long as you can get over the "HACKER!" in the chat, you're good to go.
Sniper is probably the most responsible, too. He tends to stay silent whenever there's controversy. Speaking of silent, where was he in the Bread Monster fight?
Probably looking for a good sniping spot.
Sniper: Look mate, professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient. Kill everyone you see.
Alrighty, both characters have been researched. It's time to get ready for the fight! Here we goooooooooooooo!
Reaper: Widowmaker, do you read?
Widowmaker: Loud and clear.
Reaper: You're lucky I didn't make Sombra go with you. Obtain the briefcase and don't let anyone see you.
Widowmaker: It won't be a problem. (turns off communicator and runs inside)
Sniper: (sees Widowmaker before she runs inside and shoots)
Widowmaker: (runs back behind cover)
Sniper: Goin' somewhere, mate?
Widowmaker: (holds button down) Reaper, there's been a slight change of plans. (puts sniper through open square)
Sniper: (readies gun)
Get ready for the assault! ENGAGE!!
Widowmaker: (shoots)
Sniper: (also shoots)
(the bullets hit each other)
Sniper: Another sniper, ay? (shoots)
Widowmaker: (goes behind cover, then goes back a little and uses her grappling hook)
Sniper: You think that'd work, mate? (grabs Kukri)
Widowmaker: Ooh, not so much a Sniper now, are you? (blocks with gun)
Sniper: (keeps swiping)
Widowmaker: (uses grappling hook on top of base)
Sniper: (uses SMG)
Widowmaker: (uses rapid fire setting)
(Sniper's bullets blast through Widowmaker's)
(Widowmaker is hit a little, but then back to sniper mode)
Sniper: (switches back to Rifle)
Widowmaker: (flips towards Sniper and uses gun as melee) You think you're so cool, boy...
Sniper: Are you callin' me a boy? Look mate, professionals have standards. (uses Kukri)
Widowmaker: (blocks with gun)
Sniper: Be polite. Be efficient. And most important of all...
Widowmaker: (gun gets sliced in half)
Sniper: (stabs) Kill everyone you see.
(Widowmaker falls to the ground_

Oh. That sucked. Thicc woman loses I guess.
Widowmaker and Sniper both specialize in the staying-far-away category, and both were equally matched. Both fighters had the same amount of dedication to their rifles, but they couldn't kill each other when they kept diving behind cover.
So Widowmaker fixed that. Little did she know, Sniper had something else up his sleeve.
Widowmaker outclasses Sniper via sniping, and while that may sound the most important thing of all in this fight, remember what we said before.
Widowmaker's just not good enough, mate.
The winner is Mr. Mundy, the Sniper.
  1. Luke The Riolu
    Sep 16, 2017