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Which one is better?

by Alice's dead account

  1. Fire Blaze
    Fire Blaze
    I like the old one better.
    Jun 20, 2016
  2. Aura
    I would say that both of these have differing strong and weak points. For example, the new one has been coloured better - there are none of those glitchy white dots around the linework due to anti analyzing (probably) which makes it look a lot better in that regard. Plus, the linework on that image is a lot smoother, and you've used linework that isn't entirely black on the roses, which can look really good. But, on the older drawing, having thinner outlines helps make the image look a bit more realistic in comparison, which may or may not be a good thing depending on the style you aim for. Finally, your method drawing eyes on the older image is a lot more aethetically pleasing than the new one. That one's just my personal taste as I'm really not a fan of pupilless bug eyes, but it does change the overall presentation of the image from cartoony to a tad more realistic (well, I guess more anime style is probably a better word here but you get the point). So there are some pretty good points to both drawings, and I think incorporating certain aspects of both would be the way to go, but that's just me.
    May 9, 2016
    ✿ Kyoko ✿ likes this.
  3. BLOO Muffin
    May 8, 2016
    ✿ Kyoko ✿ likes this.
  4. TooBlue12
    :) I think they are both very good, but I like the look of the old one better.
    May 8, 2016
    ✿ Kyoko ✿ likes this.