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What age should children get a pokemon?

by TheAverageCharmeleon

TheAverageCharmeleon This is a opinion essay thing, hope you like it, leave a comment on what you think is best!
Pokemon shows over the years have never really said what children are allowed to get a pokemon. Is there a law? I believe the perfect age is twelve. This is when children start to mature. On the other hand, where will they sleep, and what will they eat? Will any parent want to let their child go live in the wild not knowing if they would ever see them again? If I could, I would also ask how old Ash is...
Jodie.xox and Sylvious like this.
  1. -AlexTheMimikyu-
    I think in-game preschoolers are allowed to own Pokémon and battle, it's just they can't travel the region as a trainer and get badges yet, I think that's supposed to be 1-12. Just my knowledge from the beautiful Kalos region!
    Feb 2, 2019
    TheAverageCharmeleon likes this.
  2. TheAverageCharmeleon
    I am also writing a theory on Ash's age... anyone want to help?
    Sep 22, 2018
    Jodie.xox likes this.
  3. TheAverageCharmeleon
    I am working on a new one of this essay. I will do more research and it will be a lot better!
    Sep 22, 2018
    Jodie.xox likes this.
  4. Sylvious
    Ash is still 10, he accidentally used too much anti-aging cream and so he'll forever be ten. Rest in pepperonis~
    Sep 22, 2018