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ASSAULT!!: Wendy VS Zeena (Mario VS Sonic) | ASSAULT!!

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 The only girls in their groups go head-to-head in this episode of ASSAULT!!
Season 2, Episode 2
Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog have both had their fair share of adventures, until they came across a group of villains that were working for their rivals.
The Koopalings.
And the Deadly Six.
Both of which had extremely strong men...some pipsqueaks...but still men! (I love you Lemmy and Zor...)
But there was one that stood out in each group...a girl?

He's DopeLeafeon and I'm Rotom!
And we've hidden weapons and traps throughout the arena...but who will win the Assault?
One day, a giant turtle wanted to take over the Mushroom Kingdom, but he couldn't do it alone. So he got children!
Eight of them, in fact!
Larry, Lemmy ♥, Iggy, Ludwig, Roy, Morton, Bowser Jr., and Wendy Koopa.
Princess Wendy O. Koopa was a peaceful child, until his father trained her to be the very baddest.
And boy, she succeeded! Wendy has a spiked shell, and can curl into it for a strong defense.
Wendy also has a wand to transform the battlefield to her liking, or make her into a disguise of a beautiful woman.
Don't start. But her wand isn't all she wields, she has golden rings that can trap a fighter in place and squeeze them to death, or they can bounce around walls in a never-ending scatter arrow.
She can also ice skate! And swim! That's cool, right?
...sure. Wendy also has her very own airship. It's really small, but...it's sure as hell there. Not to mention her Koopa Clown Car.
It's built-in with cannons and stuff. And she also has a shield!
Wendy loves fashion, and also likes to trick the Mario brothers. Not as much as Lemmy though.
Buut, Wendy does have her ups and downs. She can easily get jumped on, and she only takes three jumps to kill, making her a glass cannon.
But overall, Wendy is one son of a--
Bish! He meant Bish...hey, remember when her name was Kootie Pie? That was funny...
Wendy: You could have just sat there in your cell like good little prisoners...but nooo, you had to escape and make us chase after you. So inconsiderate.
Years before the events of the Sonic games, a Zeti known as Master Zik formed a group of six powerful zeti who were willing to take down all who stand in their way. They eventually made their way to a mysterious planet known as the Lost Hex, where they found the evil genius, Doctor Eggman. The doctor studied their weakness, and discovered it was a seashell.
Yes. A f*cking seashell.
Okay then....aaanyway, Zeena has plenty of techniques she can use to her advantage, such as magnetokinesis, flight, enhanced strength and jump, longevity, and energy tether generation.
Zeena seems to care more about fashion than fights, and if she does ever get tied up, she makes sure she wins...and do it all the while looking awesome.
Zeena is also really beautiful, so she's willing to flirt when she's in a PICKLE RICKKKKKKKKKKKKK
She can also walk and run on ice without slipping, but of course, her only weakness is a seashell.
Ugh, again, she cares more about looking good in a fight than the actual fight, and her nail art. She'll definitely let them dry before fighting a certain blue hedgehog.
But she has some impressive feats! She hurled two wrecking balls bigger than her around her at outstanding speeds! And Sigma--
HOLD UP! Did you say...SIGMA?!
Yeah! Sigma!
From Mega Man X?
Anyway...Sigma gave Zeena and the rest of the Deadly Six enhanced armor for even more abilities.
But overall, Zeena just may be one of the toughest women in Sonic the Hedgehog.
Zeena: YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT! ...as soon as my nails dry.
Alrighty, both fighters have been researched, it's time to get ready for the Assault! HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOO!
It was a peaceful day in Frozen Factory Zone. Sonic ran across the long spheres. "Yeah! I'm liking this!" said Sonic, then all of a sudden, he was grinded by Wendy's Clown Car propellors. "Yes! Ice, my natural habitat!" Wendy put on her ice skates. "Tonight, we party, boys! Mushrooms are on me!" she told her minions. "YEEEEAH!" They cheered as they jumped off of Wendy's Airship. "Who do you think you ARE, dimwit?" said a sassy voice. Wendy looked over.
(A Little Heart to Heart - Team Fortress 2)
There was a green figure with a thin body and long hair. "Stomping on my territory like that! You should learn manners!" said Zeena. "Ugh, and why SHOULD I?" asked Wendy. "Because this is MY territory, and you just stomped on it with your little mushrooms!" groaned Zeena. "HEY! WE ARE NOT MUSHROOMS!" said a faint Goomba cry. "You dare call my minions mushrooms? I'll grind you FACE before you can run that STUPID mouth of yours!" said Wendy, hopping out of her Clown Car. The Clown Car flew away, as Wendy spun around, wand in hand. "Psh! Where did you go, comeback pre-school?" Zeena spawned two green energy beams and used them as whiplashes.
Only the strong survive!
"AAAAAHHHHH!" both fighters screamed as they ran at each other.

(The Deadly Six Theme - Sonic Lost World)
Zeena got the first strike, with a quick lash to Wendy's face. Wendy blocked it with her wand. "You know, this place could use a little DECORATION!" she spun her wand and spread magical dust throughout the arena. "W-woah!" said Zeena, as she felt platforms moving. Both fighters' general area was now moving up and down. Zeena growled and jumped up super high, and landed, right on Wendy's head. "YOW!" screamed Wendy. "Oh, you think you're SOOOO cool!" said Wendy, whistling. Her Clown Car came back, as she hopped into it, and it flew away. "You're not getting away with this!" said Zeena, flying towards Wendy. Wendy turned around. "WHA?! You're still alive?!" screamed Wendy. She ducked and pulled out a bunch of Bob-ombs, and started throwing them at Zeena. She spawned her whiplashes again and hit them out of the way. Eventually, the Clown Car became aware and started shooting cannonballs, which Zeena also knocked out of the way. "Don't forget who you're MESSING WITH!" yelled Zeena as she lashed out at Wendy's Clown Car, making it explode. Wendy fell out of it, but she curled into her shell. All the way down, Zeena tried to break the shell, but to no avail. Zeena landed hard, but Wendy was fine. She launched herself at Zeena, piercing her, but she got up and punched her into a wall. Wendy quickly got up, angered more than anything. She used her wand to spawn three warp pipes, diving into the middle one. She rapidly switched between pipes, confusing Zeena. "How about THIS, clown?!" She pulled out her whiplash and slashed horizontally, cutting the pipes in half. "Maybe this fight should've been on MY terms!" said Wendy, spawning yet another warp pipe and hopping inside. "What a coward..." she sighed and hopped in.

They were in a castle of sorts. "DADDY! THIS GIRL IS PICKING ON ME!" yelled Wendy. "What?" asked Zeena. Then they heard tiny footsteps. It was Lemmy. "Sorry. Dad's a little occupied right now. Uh...who are you?" asked Lemmy. Zeena rolled her eyes and lashed Lemmy into a wall. Wendy, now more aggravated than ever, curled into her shell and launched herself at Zeena as hard as she could, knocking her out of the castle into a volcanic wasteland. "What moron got you to live here?" asked Zeena. "MY DAD IS NOT A MORON!" yelled Wendy as her airship came by again. "Fire!" A horde of Goombas launched a barrage of Bullet Bills. Zeena willingly ran towards the bullets, hopped into the air, grabbed all of them like they were a batch of flowers, spun around and high speeds, and threw them right back at the airship. "ABORT! ABORT!" said the Goombas. "AHHH!" Wendy screamed as her airship took heavy damage. Explosions sparked everywhere as her airship fell to the ground. As a last resort, Wendy threw a barrage of rings in her direction, and exploded again. Zeena walked toward the ruins of the airship. She flipped her hair. "Pitiful." she turned her back and walked away. That was when one of the rings cut her arm. "Ow!" she said and she checked her bleeding arm. "Heh...not bad." said Zeena, starting to walk away again.

Ah...Wendy died the way everyone in Star Wars does. Crashed ship.
Wendy had a big arsenal at her disposal, but she just thinks of them as toys that she can play with. She doesn't take into account that her vehicles and weapons are to actually used for fights. Plus, Wendy's just a child. Zeena has a lot more experience with serious battles. No offense Mario fans, but Mario fights aren't that serious.
Don't forget how Zeena can lift over 2 tons! Taking a barrage of Bullet Bills is like taking a barrage of Tennis Balls!
Those hurt...
No they don't!
They kinda do.
The winner is Zeena.

"There are many who know about Legendary Pokemon.
Some do not.
Some believe that they are myths, never to be found.
Some say the are endangered and not legendary at all.
But deep beneath the seas of Johto...
there lies a sacred Pokemon, only to be used when all is lost."

Stay tuned for when I reveal Lugia's opponent!
Hah hah! Obviously...

Freeze Tag:

Mechanist Gamma likes this.
  1. Mewtwofan259
    Who could it be...
    Nov 12, 2017
  2. DopeLeafeon470
    Nov 12, 2017
    Eeveechu151 likes this.
  3. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    You said he "had" children, not got.
    Nov 12, 2017
  4. Fraseandchico
    Nov 12, 2017
  5. DopeLeafeon470
    I didn't say they were biological. I just said he got children.
    Nov 12, 2017
  6. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    OBJECTION! The Koopalings are all adopted - Bowser's only biological son is Bowser Jr. This has been officially confirmed by Miyamoto.
    Nov 12, 2017