reqested pokemon fusions: Weezkidtor

by PikaShinx

  1. Pikachucat
    awesome :p8)
    Feb 24, 2015
    Stormy Denal likes this.
  2. Tucker Drawdy
    Tucker Drawdy
    Blah blah blah Ky, it's perfect the way it is.
    Feb 24, 2015
    Stormy Denal likes this.
  3. Shiny Pyxis
    Shiny Pyxis
    I've noticed one thing that's been consistently bothering me, and it's how some outlines have a different width than others; in this case, it's around the eyes and mouth. You don't have to enlarge your pictures themselves to edit them. Instead, you can use the zoom feature present in most image editing software, which can be accessed via the magnifying glass icon or by holding ctrl and scrolling with your mouse.
    Feb 24, 2015
    Drider and Stormy Denal like this.
  4. PikaShinx
    Ha ha :D. Your welcome:).
    Feb 24, 2015
    Tucker Drawdy likes this.
  5. Tucker Drawdy
    Tucker Drawdy
    [​IMG] I'm in love with this fusion thanks for making it again. Idk how you do it but this is great thanks.
    Feb 24, 2015
    Stormy Denal likes this.
  6. Tucker Drawdy
    Tucker Drawdy
    Feb 24, 2015
    Stormy Denal likes this.