Why don't we start it off by a Bob and Jerald?
Bob: Hey Jerald! Should we take some McDonalds? Im getting pretty hungry.
Jerald: Sure, but first, let me take Azelf-ie!
Ha, that was funny, lets take some names now!
Which Pokemon could also be a pirate? Arrrr-ceus!
Im not gonna RAICHU a love song!
Do you BAYLEAF in God?
These are the last ones for this week!
What does one Geodude say to the other Geodude?
-Lets rock!
What do you do when your Loudred evolves?
Buy more earplugs!
Whats Wailords favorite TV show?
Whale of Fortune!
Bob: Hey Jerald! Should we take some McDonalds? Im getting pretty hungry.
Jerald: Sure, but first, let me take Azelf-ie!
Ha, that was funny, lets take some names now!
Which Pokemon could also be a pirate? Arrrr-ceus!
Im not gonna RAICHU a love song!
Do you BAYLEAF in God?
These are the last ones for this week!
What does one Geodude say to the other Geodude?
-Lets rock!
What do you do when your Loudred evolves?
Buy more earplugs!
Whats Wailords favorite TV show?
Whale of Fortune!