Peagawk --> (lv. 20) Peagarg
Peagawk --> (high Beauty or Crystal Mirror) Peagleam
#104 - Peagawk (peafowl + gawky)
Bushy Pokémon
They are well-camouflaged for their lives in the forest among the undergrowth, and they enhance this with sight-altering psychic power and illusions.
Moveset: Splash, Peck, Flail, Supersonic, Magic Coat, Hypnosis, Confusion, Substitute
#105 - Peagarg (peafowl + gargantuan)
Big Bird Pokémon
It is elusive despite its size. Pokémon-watchers are more likely to hear its distinctive singing than see it. They have a friendly demeanor.
Base Stats: (95/100/125/79/60/81) (540)
Ability: Intimidate/Anticipation (senses opponent's best moves and boosts evasion against strong moves)
Moveset: Drill Peck, Stomp, Pluck, Jump Kick, Thrash, Double Kick, Wood Kick, Gravity, Heart Stamp, Psycho Cut, Psycho Shift, Role Play, Trick, Crane Kick, Double Peck, Razor Wing, Wind Kick, Wind Slash, Destiny Blow, Psycho Kick, Amplify, Buzzer, Cacophony, Cavitation, Disco Panic, Megaphone, Voice Throw, Tooth Rattle, Sonic Cannon, Shaker Blast, Sing, Screech, Round
#106 - Peagleam (peafowl + gleam)
Light Pokémon
They are exceedingly vain and groom their multi-colored feathers often. Their mirrors do not always reflect what is in front of them.
Base Stats: (79/60/81/125/100/95) (540)
Ability: Forewarn (senses opponent's best moves and boosts evasion against strong moves)
/[Mirror Armor]
Moveset: Psybeam, Psychic, Mirror Move, Mirror Coat, Miracle Eye, Dawn Call, Dazzle, Heaven's Light, Illumination, Light Blast, Lightmote, Mirror Flash, Peaceful Glow, Searchlight, Searing Corona, Shining Eye, Regal Glare, Replicate, Psycho Shift, Role Play, Trick, Light Screen, Reflect, Air Slash, Chatter, Round, Gust, Hurricane
Design Notes: Everyone in the pokemon discord I'm in liked Peagawk, so I made Peagarg and changed the downstream numbering of all the fakemon in my pokedex (not the first time the latter has happened tbh).
Based on: The bird from Up!, flightless birds, ostriches, cassowaries, dodo, peacock, pokemon that evolve like feebas/magikarp
Gaiien Region: WARK: Peagawk, Peagarg, and Peagleam
by Keleri