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Valentine's Day Artwork

by AutumnEevee

AutumnEevee One day late, but here's the Valentine's Day art that I promised to post :)
I chose Calem and Serena for this because they're probably some of my favorite characters in this franchise-
Serena's outfit here is from Pokémon Masters (EX), while the item that Calem is holding (in the bottom left) is Serena's Mocha Poké Puff (from the same game).

I went back and forth on this one, but I think I'm pretty happy with this
  1. XxZizzyxX
    Feb 23, 2021
    AutumnEevee likes this.
  2. AutumnEevee
    @Gamingfan Funnily enough, Calem is sort of implied to be the rival in Pokémon Masters (EX)-
    He mentions that Serena used to "be pretty quiet when they first met" during a random conversation
    Feb 16, 2021
    Gamingfan likes this.
  3. Gamingfan
    Serena is just a bundle of joy while Calem is mostly just like: :^)

    So it's pretty obvious who the player character is.
    Feb 16, 2021
    AutumnEevee likes this.