legendary pokemon as weapons: Uxie weapon

by roanyael

roanyael So here is Uxie, sorry it took a while
So the school has begun and in just 1 week ive got mountens of homework and that was why i was only posting shit (sorry about that). And since it's weekend i finally have time to fucking draw!!!
hhhhmmm did something happend to me this week. OH last sunday Iwent to Mc Donalds whit my frieds. They where all drunk ( I wasn't couse i cant consume alcohol for health reasons) It was 3:00 at Night and I (as the sober friend) had to order the wierdest shit. ant the funny thing was they ate it all. But that was it I think oh SCHOOL.
Mesprit is next.
  1. Glitchy Gold
    Glitchy Gold
    I like Uxie. No, I love Uxie! ^w^
    Sep 9, 2018
    roanyael likes this.
  2. roanyael
    Thats actually the truth
    Aug 24, 2018
    Pokémon Golder and Nebulix like this.
  3. DrakeDraws
    I wasn't part of that I promise
    Aug 24, 2018
    Pokémon Golder, Nebulix and roanyael like this.