Top 10 laziest pokemon names

by Manny-pokefan

Manny-pokefan Once you see it you have to see it
Every new Pokémon game needs a fresh batch of new pocket monsters, so it is no surprise that there are over 600 Pokémon now. What IS surprising is how lame some of the names are. Do the people that name Pokémon sometimes just give up? Here are the laziest Pokémon names ever.


Naming your crab “Krab” is already super lazy, but then you gotta go and make a reference to Spongebob? And in Japanese krabby is just called "crab" just really.


It’s just snake backwards. IT’S JUST SNAKE BACKWARDS! How dum then next pokemon Arbok
Just take the k away and put c cobra yaayy really.

8# horsea

Oh look. A sea horse. All they did was switch the order of the words, except the way they spelled it, Horsea sounds like “prostitute ocean.”


Oh, it’s a rat. I’m surprised they didn’t go with Rattated.

#6 buneary

It’s a bunny. And it’s name basically IS bunny, only it sounds like it was said by a drunk person. For example, one of the drunk idiots over at the Pokémon naming institute.


kinda looks like a mime. Let’s address it by its formal name!


We get it. It’s a buffalo. Besides, this barely counts as a Pokémon anyway. It’s just a straight up buffalo, and it’s special attack it butting things with it’s head. This is in a universe where GHOSTS CAN BE CAPTURED AND FORCED TO FIGHT DRAGONS, so regular livestock is a little disappointing.


Meowth is literally just the noise cats make, but with a lisp. I can’t wait for the next batch of Pokemon when we can have the cow Pokemon Mooth.


This isn’t even a misspelling or a pun or reversed or anything. It’s just a shrew-like thing that lives in sand. It’s like if they called Magikarp “Waterfish.”

1# seel

“Hey guys, office closes in 2 minutes. What are we going to name this pokemon that looks like a seal?”

I just know I missed some good ones. What do you think is the laziest Pokemon name? Let me know down below!
  1. qlovers
    lmao ''prostitute ocean.''
    Jun 16, 2019
  2. Manny-pokefan
    Apr 21, 2017
  3. GreninjaTrainer013
    Purugly's reaction to his name not being on this list: "OH COME ON! I BLAME ARCEUS FOR THIS PURE UGLY NAME! WHY IS IT NOT ON THE LIST?!"
    Apr 21, 2017
    Manny-pokefan likes this.
  4. Manny-pokefan
    By the way if you want more comment and vote in here:
    Most laziest pokemons
    Most hated pokemons
    Best shiny
    You pick in a comment or in my profile thank you.
    Mar 10, 2017
  5. Manny-pokefan
    Mar 10, 2017
  6. What Did You Do To Snoke?
    What Did You Do To Snoke?
    Oh I know one!

    Mar 10, 2017
  7. Manny-pokefan
    Lol could've added it at the end thanks for telling me tho
    @*that* guy
    Mar 7, 2017
  8. *that* gay guy
    *that* gay guy
    Mewtwo it's mew with the word two on the end!
    Mar 7, 2017
    Manny-pokefan likes this.
  9. Manny-pokefan
    Mar 6, 2017
    Lucky Ace likes this.
  10. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace
    Mar 6, 2017
    Manny-pokefan likes this.