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The Truth Behind...: The Truth Behind Mega Pokemon

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Probably the most violent one I've done so far XD
Pokemon X & Y: Cool! Mega Pokemon! Lucario and Mewtwo look so awesome!
Pokemon OR & AS: More Mega Pokemon! Hoenn has never looked so good!
Pokemon Sun & Moon: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/hhX7lgIzK3g/hqdefault.jpg
Hey, I'm DopeLeafeon...
And I'm Rotom!
And this is the Truth Behind Mega Pokemon.

So WAY back in 2013, we got a trailer introducing Mega Pokemon. They looked amazing. Only Mega Lucario and Mega Mewtwo Y were introduced, but we all knew this was a great day for Pokemon. Then, in 2014, in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, we got more. We hoped for more Megas in Sun and Moon...but instead...we got Pokedex entries...
Now, a lot of people wanted these, but they were the complete opposite from what we expected. Mega Salamence is now the Blood-soaked Crescent, Mega Gyarados lost all hope in humanity, Mega Alakazam doesn't even have any muscle anymore, and...wait...
There's no way they can come up with something evil for Mega Lucario...(goes to Library in house)
Here we go! Lucario...
(flips through pages)
*ahem* It readies itself to face its enemies by focusing its mental energies. Its fighting style can be summed up in one single word: Heartless.
What? No no no!
TheLegend27 just captured my hero!
Mine t--no. I meant HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?!
What about Mega Mewtwo?
That's for later. For now, we have to get back to the studio.
Okay, so as you can see, even the Pokemon meant to be heroes have turned into bloodbathing villains.
Can we...NOT do the rematch of Lucario Vs. Meta Knight?
Yeah...I'm having second thoughts on that too...
So anyway! Let's take a look at the last Pokemon Movie: Magearna and the Mechanical Marvel. What was the plot of that?
A bunch of people decide to try and manipulate Magearna's Soul-Heart. They try to do so using mysterious Mega Stones that don't require any type of bond
Exactly. So the truth behind Mega Evolution is that when you use it, you're being the villain. You're not caring about what torture your Pokemon is going through. The whole point about Pokemon is that you care for them, not just use them for battling.
Unless you're playing Gens 1-5...
True. But anyway, that's today's lesson. Hey, I'm DopeLeafeon...
And I'm Rotom!
And we hope you guys have a fabulous day!

Alright, since I have time, I'll give you one of Mega Mewtwo's Pokedex Entries...
HA! Jk bois.
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