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The Truth Behind...: The Truth Behind Giratina

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 I never thought I'd see the day...
Leafy: Every time I look at Team Galactic, I'm always reminded of Giratina...
Rotom: Why's that?
Leafy: Well, their leader got sent there and now just hangs out with him.
Rotom: That must be the dream...
Leafy: I know, right? But why did Giratina get sent to the Distortion World in the first place? They say he was banished for being violent, but...why was he being violent? This is a foggy topic to cover, which is why I brought in some help. Say hello to Cloudswift.
Cloud: Hiii! Yep, I'll be helping out with thi--
???: Yeah, everyone just carry on. Not like there's anyone else here or anything.
Cloud: Ahh, jeez. Sorry about that, Lunar! For everyone out there, Lunar's a black and white Espeon. Just...try and picture that, okay?
Leafy: Anyhoo, yes, as you can see, Cloudswift will be helping out for this one. She may even join me for the future. I'm DopeLeafeon!
Rotom: I'm Rotom!
Cloud: I'm Cloudswift!
Lunar: And I'm Lunar!
Leafy: and this is the Truth Behind Giratina.

So, let's talk about Giratina. It was created by Arceus in order to store matter to the universe, but then got banished to the Distortion World for being violent...but why is this?
Some YouTubers say it was because Giratina attempted to become Arceus' superior, with the help of Hoopa Unbound.
I agree with the fact that Giratina teamed up with Hoopa, however, along completely different lines. Cloud!
Cloud: A long time ago, EONS even, a Pokemon we'll refer to as Regialpha created the Golem Trio we know as Regirock, Registeel, and Regice.
Lunar: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The legend goes that RegiGIGAS created the Golem Trio.
But that's where you're WRONG! Regialpha created them and let Regigigas take the credit. Of course, Arceus knew about this, and it told Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, who hadn't yet been banished, about this. Palkia and Dialga were cool with this, but Giratina got jealous. So, enlisting the help of its ally, Hoopa, it hunted down and killed Regialpha.
Lunar: Jeez, that's a little over-the-top, don't you think?
Definitely. You want to finish it off, Leafy?
Leafy: I would be glad to. Arceus, being the one watching over everything, accused Giratina of this murderer and banished Giratina to the Distortion World for such an act. Since Hoopa was convinced to do Giratina's bidding, not actually wanting to do so.
So, Arceus didn't banish Hoopa as well, but rather, confine it in a bottle. However, Arceus' deep slumber caught him off guard, and Giratina was able to make the rule that whoever touches the bottle will be possessed and will let Hoopa free of its power.
Leafy: WERE YOU SURPRISED, ARCEUS?! Hey, I'm DopeLeafeon!
I'm Rotom!
Cloud: I'm CloudSwift!
Lunar: And I'm Lunar!

And we hope you guys have a fabulous day!

Hiya! Special thanks to @Cloudswift for collaborating with me to help me make this! She'll probably come back in the future, but still! See ya!