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the struggle of life

by rileedog

rileedog a hungry lonely luxio is trying to survive but on this misty rainy day he shall not suceed
It is a rainy day mist strung across the fields of grass as the refreshing droplets come and cascade throughout the plant life. a luxio sulks through the grass looking starved and tired. it would appear he has not eaten for almost a week yet he still hangs on to life by a thread. for a second he looks in pain and fall to the ground... he appeared to attempt at getting up before tossing and turning and gaining his strength. he emerges from the grass once more... and continues walking. now it appears he has a limp when he moves his left leg. he comes to a stop at what appears to be the entrance t a small cave. he continues to walk until reaching the very back of the tight cold damp cavern and lays down. he curls up and closes his eyes hoping for a better day tomorrow.....
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