The rainbow march: The rainbow march (war begins)

by Pheonix234

Pheonix234 A story about ho-oh part 2
Ho-oh has seen this new world that is earth but after millions of years the ice melts causing some pokemon to be extict or endangered. Ho-Oh has watched earth rise and fall but beneath all this life is giratina and hoopa giratina has the correct size meteor he asked for. Giratina then put an alien parasite on it and launched back into space hoopa is then told to make it rain on earth by launching other asteroids over to earth. The ice has completely melted regigigas then makes continents on earth the first was sinnoh were regigigas resides now ho-oh watches the humans learn and how to control pokemon but eventually the meteors were sent by hoopa to damage ho-oh. Landed they were full of primal energy which made groudon and kyogre awaken even rayquaza fed on some energy then ho-oh the god that she is created a dragon pokemon to stop the meteors and it did everyone and everything was relieved because they cheated death. That dragon is now said in legends to have split into three 15 million years pass humans are now a functioning they created houses, fountains and many more. So to comerate ho-oh two towers were created. Then ho-oh feels the need to bring back lugia so she did lugias shadow form was no longer a thing but lugia is the guardian of the sea. Eventually many more pokemon were formed including the oppisites to articuno these pokemon were moltres and zapdos but the one known as hypno everybody stayed away from because of its attitude. Ho-oh desides to go back to sleep but right as she was getting ready non than hoopa appeared and shouted using his telepathy that they will all be bowing down to giratina the god of antimatter. Because giratina had already captured and hypnotised palkia and sent it to destroy earth palkia then appeared and destroyed many things ho-oh then engases a battle with it. The battle shook johto but with a powerful fire blast ho-oh beat palkia despite palkia having the type advantage. Palkia then becomes normal again uses its power to trap hoopas power seel it away in a magic bottle. Hoopa is eventually hidden away. 50 thousand years past the meteor with the parasite is heading on its way to earth on it hatches in to...
