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The Parsha Reigon Map

by PokeStorm

Parsha Reigon with names.jpg
PokeStorm I made this map for a new series I may be starting at some point. I won't be releasing the story anytime soon, mainly because it's just an idea for now.

Any of you can use this map however you like, just make sure you credit me for my efforts. Thanks!

Chapter 5 of Dimrill's Pokemon Adventure was released today, so be sure to check that out. If you haven't read the first few chapters, I highly recommend you do, because I put A LOT of effort into them. Thanks again!
  1. PokeStorm
    I was thinking a written work, and We'll be happy to tag you!

    At first I wanted to do this written work along with my original, but as you can probably tell I've gotten really busy with high school graduation stuff. And I've begun to enjoy artwork more. Not many people want to read 2000+ words when looking at artwork is so much faster and easier.

    And honestly @Mockingchu , I have no idea when the first release will be. We don't really have a story yet, mainly because we've all been busy.
    May 28, 2019
    Mockingchu likes this.
  2. Mockingchu
    A lot late, but I'm glad you found this and figured out how to use it!

    Is this for a written works series or RP? Either way, I'd love to be tagged when it releases.
    May 28, 2019
    glennis75 likes this.
  3. PokeStorm
    @PlayfulShinx47 I've invited you to the discussion page on this series. We haven't made much progress, mainly because we've all been busy, but the more the merrier! Btw it's not based on anything, I just was bored and made this. I used a map maker called Inkarnate. you can even make your own too, cuz its free!
    May 9, 2019
    PlayfulShinx47 likes this.
  4. ThePlayfulFox
    So, what country is Parsha based off of? It looks like a European country... kinda. Just asking! Also, once I know that I might be able to help (In whatever way, even if it is small)
    May 9, 2019
    glennis75 likes this.
  5. Bolero
    @glennis75 I liked the idea of creating the gyms, you can find someone to make the design, because I'm not good at it. My creativity is in the story, but thanks for the opportunity to help
    Mar 26, 2019
    glennis75 likes this.
  6. PokeStorm
    @Bolero I know how you can help. Maybe you can decide where all the Pokemon Gyms are as well as contest locations such as fashion, battles, and entertainment. If you would like to do this for me, it would be HUGE! just send it in a PM if you do. Thanks!

    Or you could design the main characters. My only requests are that there are 3 teenagers, at least one boy and one girl, and that one likes battling and one likes entertainment.
    Mar 26, 2019
    Bolero and PrincessPika like this.
  7. Bolero
    I liked Valia City
    Do you need help with something?
    I would like to help

    (my biggest feature is creativity,
    if you think it's bad I have no chance to help in anything else)
    Mar 25, 2019
    glennis75 likes this.