The Night of the Incident

by ManyAchievables

ManyAchievables Story for Gpig's Short Story Competition.
June 28th, 2019.
That was the night of the incident that still haunts Adam Francis to this day. He now spends his elder ages trying to remember and figure out what truly happened that night.
|-|Cut To That Day|-|​
It was a chilling, inky-black evening. Adam Francis, a paranormal investigator, had been sitting in a spot on a relatively small boat. That boat was on a course to the island of Crimson. Rumours foretold of some kind of curse on that place, making any inhabitants and Pokemon wander aimlessly and alone. Adam had gone to that place to see if the rumours were true. He knew there was a chance that he'd see the typical chair moving, maybe a lamp would randomly explode, but what he saw instead when he landed on the island truly shocked him.
First he noticed three Swellow soaring around in a violent circle around the island. Then he saw a Meowth trying to dig through a rock to no avail, then he noticed a small house behind a settlement of trees. Pushing past the leaves and Pokemon that strangely followed him around, tugging at his dusty jacket, he saw that the cabin was a lot less pretty than it first seemed. The wooden boards were infested with Caterpie and Weedle eating away at it.
Adam was shaking in anxiety, a bead of sweat dropped from his face as he neared his hand to the doorknob and twisted it.
When he entered the cabin. He saw a small, shrivelled lady laying asleep in her arm chair. Adam took a single step with a loud creak on the floor boards, and the lady awoke, jerking her head towards him. She immediately let out a screech of anger that pierced Adam's ears. Suddenly, Adam heard a large rumbling noise as the cabin was lifted into the sky by all the birds around. Suddenly it tilted on its side, but the elderly woman stayed firm in her spot. Adam crashed into one of the side windows. One of the birds outside started to open the window. The window broke open, and Adam fell into the lake. The boat that dropped him off had stayed around there to pick him up when needed. As Adam scrambled onto the boat, he barked: "Go! GO! NOW! GET US OUT OF HERE!" to the rowers. The rowers immediately began rowing the boat away from the island, as the old lady and all of the Pokemon stood firm, staring at Adam in the eyes with anger in their eyes. He saw the lady mouth something at him. He interpreted it as: "If you come near me again, it'll be twice as bad."
Once Adam had returned to his house, he sat on his couch and clutched his head in pain. He thought he simply got a migraine from the day, so he decided to go take a long nap. A nightmare had appeared in his dream. It was the old lady, staring him dead in the eyes, gripping his jacket by the neck as her eyes rolled to the back of her head to reveal snake eyes. The woman threw him onto the ground and leaped at him, trying to bite his face off. Just before it happened, Adam woke up from his nightmare.
He returned from the island the next day, but at the exact same spot that he found the island, there was nothing. It was all gone.
Adam now is on a journey to find the island and discover the truth to this insanity, a journey that will never end.
|-|End of Story|-|​
Hope you liked it if you read this whole thing! This is my first story on here, so sorry if it isn't great.