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I Got Bored :/: The Most Fun Part About Making A Game

by DopeLeafeon470

So recently, I've played some RPGs.
I even attempted to make one.
I failed.
But one thing I've noticed about some of them are the best Easter Eggs.
Take Undertale, for example.
When you complete the Pacifist Route and dodge every single Special Thanks name, you'll unlock the secret door in waterfall.
It could've been W.D. Gaster, it could've been Sans' human body, it could've been anything to explain any of the character's pastimes.
But no.
It was Toby Fox himself.
He's a dog that's sleeping on a rug, and it's the same dog that stole Papyrus' Special Attack and the Ancient Artifact. If you look at a computer that has a title screen similar to Undertale's it says he accidentally programmed the whole game.
This effing game.
This is what makes developing game the most fun thing in the world.
Never mind help from other people, you need to make an Indy Game and do this!
This is definitely what I'll do if I ever success at my RPG.
Put yourself in the game and get some Easter Eggs done.
And since I'm not yet at the point where I can do this, here's a little something to keep you entertained!
(Sally and her party enter the room)
(she walks up to a Koopa with curly blonde hair sleeping on a bed)
Sally: He's sleeping soundly. Must be dreaming big dreams that probably won't come true.
(she walks up to a computer)
Sally: Looks like the Koopa sleeping made a game called "Mario Multiverse". sounds like I would be in a game like that.
Icy: Me too!
Chompy: Bark bark!
(Sally walks up to the Koopa again)
Sally: Maybe if I come back after doing a certain thing, he'll wake up...
(Whole journey thing, and Sally finds a taco)
Sally: Seems like it could wake up something from its sleep.
(goes back into Sam's room)
Sam: *sniffs taco*
Sally: You want it, boy?
Sam: (grabs and stuffs in mouth, then goes back to sleep)
Chompy: *whiiiiiiiiiiiiine*
Sally: Well, that was anti-climactic.