The Misadventures of Thunder #1: "The 'Calm' Before The Storm."

by DayMarlinOfDawn

DayMarlinOfDawn I Actually Did It! Hooray!
Let me set the scene I was sitting in my room. The room wasn't that big, but it definitely is empty. There is a bunk-bed in the right corner of the room beside the window. Next to the bed was a tiny desk, my desk. I used it for work and for some doodling, although I have to hide the drawings from my family because they don't like it when I draw. across the room from the bed and desk was a much larger desk, took up as much room as the bed. That is my sister's desk, she was always more privileged than I was, but she was the only one who really accepted me for being different. The walls are pure white, literally, no color, which was odd because the rest of the house was always pretty rustic in appearance. So this story starts at around 22:00, January 13, 2017. I was sitting in my room and- wait, should I do an introduction? Yeah, probably should. I'm Thunder, I'm a Liepard, but at this point in the story, I'm still a Purrloin. Back to the story, sorry for the interruption. So I was in my room, doing homework, and my sister, Rose, was also there, but she was just relaxing and we were talking. "You think mom will ever let us bring music into the house?" She said. "HA! Not likely, not like she'll reject the idea, but daddy will have her head if she allowed it." I said snarkily, filled with glee knowing I was most likely right. "Yeah, you're right..." "Why do you even want to know that? Remember our escape plan?" "Yeah, I do, it's just... I kind of want to see if we can take mom with us." I let out a long, strained, yet hardy sigh "You know we can't, she's too obedient towards daddy." "I know, I know, I just feel bad for her." "Can't help it now... " There was a moment of silence, Rose looked really mad. Fortunately... or unfortunately depending on how you look at it. My father knocked on the door and said in a deep, controlling, and powerful voice "[REDACTED], It's time to re-dye your fur." I internally screamed, but got up and went to the bathroom to re-apply it. For an explanation, I'm a shiny, but my parents see it as some evil defect made by Giratina to corrupt minds. So I had to dye my fur to look and be normal. When all that was said and done I went back into my room, finished up my homework, and went to bed on the bottom bunk. I'll finish it up here, but this happened the night before I escaped, so the story will get a bit darker from here. Literally, and metaphorically.