The Lucario who wields a sword

by GottaKetchumAll

GottaKetchumAll After the loss of his beloved adopted child, a Vulpix Genjika, Lucas struggles with self-hatred, animosity, and depression.
The Lucario who wields a sword
Chapter one

Lucas had ceased nearly all communications with pokemon and human long ago. He had lost what mattered most and nothing mattered anymore besides getting stronger so nobody could take what he loved again. It was his fault, and his mind made sure to never let him forget. Everymorning for one blissful second he forgot that Vee was gone, and then once again he had to remember that she was no longer in his world.
One of the most painful things was deciding where to bury her- with humans, who had cast her out, or pokemon, who couldn't protect her. He finally buried her benath a sakura tree near his cave.
And then after he paid his respects he never came back. The memories which had haunted him were stronger there, and to keep his sanity he'd better stay far, far away.
So he lived in the mountains, away from almost all pokemon and far, far away from people. Still, pokemon came to him for advice, attracted by his strong, powerful aura. He had an incredible amount of strength and many trainers risked their lives trying to catch him, to weild him as he wielded his sword.
Oh, yeah. Lucas wielded a sword now, a huge, shining peiece of metal heavier than him. They called him by his famous, revered title,

Lucario, nork ezpata erabiltzen du.
"The Lucario who uses a sword."

Lucas woke up in his usual manner- all excitment and happiness as he thought Vee would be there, and the silence would let him know she'd been gone, and always be gone, no matter what had happened. There'd only been one cure, one miracle cure, and Vee hadn't had the time. He'd always remember the look in her eyes as he offered the medicine to Vee after battling his friends for it. It had been a long, labourus, painful battle, but he had won, because he could bear to lose them but not Vee, his precious little girl who'd never hurt anyone on purpose.
She'd taken it in her hands with the last of her stength and finally said-
"Not for me." She said, shaking her head, and offered it up with shaking arms. Lucario, hurt, bloody, and confused, insisted.
"Please, Vee. Take it. I need you."
He felt everyting inside him clench together and then shatter as he saw the lightness dim from her eyes and hair, the embers in her soul slowly burn out.
Vee shook her head and pushed it away, before finally death ceased her in his clawed hands and took her away, leaving him with nothing but an empty coprse and an empty heart.

Afterwards, he had given the cure to Katie, before leaving without another word. If only he'd been better. Faster. Stronger, he'd never had needed their help, and Vee would have accepted the cure since there'd be no one else who'd need it. And he's still have her.

After the initial let down of the morning, Lucas got up and preceded with his day. First he polished his sword, checked the area with his Aura for any pokemon. If there were, and there often was, he knew they'd have a hard time scaling the mountain from which the top of his trained. This would give him time to clean up, write, and finally, prepare for battle. He never used potions, never healed himself. Perhaps he wanted to die, because he had nothing left to live for. So he pushed himself further than anyone else, in hopes to get stronger, but maybe to die in the process as well.

The Lucario for a moment gazed into his reflection in anearby pool of water. He had many more scars from his battle over the Miracle Cure, the worst one across his muzzle. There were many nicks in his ears as well as small, silvery scars on his hands and cheeks from burns. But besides that he was the same old Lucas; same green eyes and white fangs and snarling muzzle.

He heard the sound of footsteps on gravel and within a minute he had his sword in his hands. It was quite a beautiful thing, furnished and shining in the dim light of the cave. It was five feet long, half a foot across, with a large hilt fit with a shining and glowing firestone, in memory of Vee. The blade itself was a deep ruby color, and when he looked at his reflection he saw himself encased in red.

The footsteps were closer now, and numerous, more than one creature. With silent steps he approached the entrance and prepared for whatever happened next.
  1. Captain Cardboard
    Captain Cardboard
    Daaaaang, mate! That's pretty good!
    Apr 8, 2018
    GottaKetchumAll likes this.
  2. Killerbunny the god
    Killerbunny the god
    Dear god. This was an amazing story. I loved reading it. The only problem i had with it was the typos (i kind of have OCD) so please fix that (positive critiscism)
    Apr 7, 2018
    GottaKetchumAll likes this.