Pokézzare Adventures: The journey begins!

by ThAtGuY101

ThAtGuY101 On Saba's journey he runs into all sorts of pokémon. Will these encounters be friendly or hostile? Guess you will have to read the story to find out more.
As Saba began his adventure, he found himself just east of Mt. Coronet. Saba could feel the breeze slap him across the face like a swift backhand. Not too different from the kind his mother gave him as a kid when he acted up. Luckily for Saba he was older and now had his own little ramshackle of a home. A modest home ,but it was his. Upon stepping out of the cave, the air was cold ,and the sun was bright ,but thankfully there were plenty of clouds. Saba rubbed his eyes as he walked towards some shady trees.

"It's nice outside, I guess? Trees, water flow, grass... Grass. Not a lot of that stuff in the caves. It's really tall too. It's really tall. How does anyone walk around in this stuff? I'd be nervous something might try jump out at me"
Saba thought to himself. After spending some time thinking, it seemed silly that something would jump out at him as he could clearly see in the grass ,and tell that nothing was there. Even if something was in the grass it Saba would see it thus he'd be able to react. He proceeded to walk through the grass ,and nothing happened. As Saba left the grass he walked past a few more trees ,and began making his way towards Celestic City.

Saba decided to go around it ,and as Saba walked down the path he came across a bridge. Nobody was on the bridge and all seemed well l until, "You there! Pay the toll and you can pass! haha!" a houndour said in a gruff voice. "Pay us your money! Shiny! Shiny!" a murkrow yelled afterwards. Saba turned nervously as something managed to distract him from the two bandits. It was another pokémon which used a bounce on the houndour. By the looks of it, it was a steenee. Sharp pointy needles shot at both the houndour and murkrow, the other pokémon was a roselia. Murkrow began to fly off as he didn't expect any resistance, "wait up coward!" the houndour yelled. The houndour wasn't about to fight two on one.

Saba watched in amazement and shock as the two pokémon ran off with their tails between their legs, "Look at them run, those two are almost as big of scaredy-cats as you are" Cynth said. "Are you okay?" Belle said. Saba looked down at his bag, it was still intact ,and so was Saba himself. "Yeah... Thanks for the help. By any chance, where are you two headed?" Saba asked. "Tch! It was nothing. For someone like me at least... You on the other hand... It's a good thing we were here, otherwise things would have got messy for you" Cynth said. "There you go again Sour Flower..." Belle said shaking her head. "Sour fl-" Saba stopped midsentence when he saw the look on Cynth's face ,and her purple glowing hand. "You can call me Cynth, got it!?" Cynth said holding her hand up. "Uh huh! Cynth it is!" Saba said quickly. "you can call me Belle, what's your name?" Belle said. "I'm Saba. Nice to meet you two" Saba said.

"Where are you headed Saba" Belle asked. "I was heading that way" Saba said pointing to the other side of the bridge. "Mind if I come with you guys? You seem really strong. There is a Inn just east of here, its called the Hit it and Win it Inn" Saba said. "Weeell... we are strong, but don't slow us down, okay?" Cynth said.

The three began heading east ,and eventually came across a large cliffside. A large building sat on the cliff top. The only thing standing in there was was a long winding pathway leading up the hillside. There were trees along the hill. Saba looked into the trees ,and saw something blue move. "Did you see that?" Saba asked. "See what?" Belle asked. "The only thing I see is you talking" Cynth said. "Over there!" Saba said. He ran in that direction. "Wait up!" Belle said. As soon as they approached the trees, all three of them saw it this time. An intellion could be briefly seen running between the trees. It made eye contact as it disappeared from their sight again. The tall slender pokémon could make great use of the trees to hide. They looked around for a few minutes ,but couldn't find the intellion. It was as if it just vanoished.

As they made their way up the hill, a magneton stopped them, "Zzzt! Zzzzt! Did you see a Intellion pass through here? I am searching for an intellion named Jameson Edward Xavier III. Zzzt! It is important that I apprehend the criminal to justice, Zzzzt!" The magneton said. Before they could respond, the magneton had ran past them in pursuit ,but the magneton could not find the intellion anywhere. As the three approached the Inn ,and headed inside.

Several customers were already being served by a hitmonchan. All sorts of pokémon were eating, drinking ,and chatting away. Cynth and Belle went to look at the notice board. Saba sat down ,and to his left was a mawile. The mawile was focused on his drink. Saba could hear the drink fizz. After a few moments, loud yelling could be heard.

An argument broke out between a nidorino and a golduck. A fight broke out when the nidorino gave the golduck a headbutt causing it to fall back, bumping into the mawile. The mawile accidentally spilled his drink in the process, "You owe me a new drink!" The mawile said turning angrily towards the two fighters. Soon enough, someone yelled "Tavern brawl!" and several pokémon excitedly leaped about ,and began fighting. Pokémon began exchanging blows ,and in the midst of the fight, Saba was hit with a headbutt by the nidorino ,but Saba wasn't effected by it ,and shrugged it off. Despite no pain from the attack, Saba nervously used shadow sneak to zip past several of the brawling pokémon. Saba looked over and saw Cynth and Belle, "Come on Jingle Bell! Your not gonna sit back and watch me fight by myself are you? Hurry up and whoop some butt with me! Let's show these mon how tough we are!" Cynth said. "I'm just doing it out of self defense! I don't wanna hurt anyone, but I will if I have to!" Belle said before reluctantly joining the brawl. All sorts of pokémon were duking it out ,and Saba found a nice little hiding area, under the counter. As Saba sat under the counter he saw the mawile fighting ,and noticed a gold tooth in the large maw connected to the back of his head. A few minutes later ,and the fight ended. Luckily nothing was damaged other than a few bruises and marks on the pokémon whom participated in the brawl.

"If I had a coin for every tavern brawl that broke out here, I'd have enough money to just buy this place... If you can't tell, the fighting is over. you can come out now, I won't bite. Ren! Another drink please?" The mawile said. "Coming right up!" Ren said, serving the drink to Lou. "Thanks! I'm Saba, and you are?" Saba asked as he crawled out from under the counter. "Lou, just Lou" Lou said. As Saba and Lou were talking, Cynth and Belle found a perfect mission to go on. Meanwhile, not too far from the Inn, Jex the intellion was now heading towards the Inn. The Inn was fairly safe as long as he didn't arouse too much suspicion. Jex was confident in his decision as he had plenty of plans in case he was recognized.

(To be continued...)
RenzFlintrock likes this.
  1. ThAtGuY101
    I went ahead and edited that scene so that Cynth convinced her to join.

    I'm glad you pointed that out. I'm happy to fix stuff like that here and there.

    I'm equally happy to do it in the future as well. If anyone else sees something off, let me know ,and I'll fix it too.
    Sep 27, 2020
  2. RenzFlintrock
    Nice! I like the way you managed to get the submitted characters in, and the only comment I have is that Belle most likely wouldn’t be in the brawl unless she was forced into it, either in self defense or dragged in by Cynth or something. It doesn’t really matter, just a character note. But overall, that was great!
    Sep 27, 2020
    ThAtGuY101 likes this.