Dare to read?: The Journal

by Lucas Inazumai

Lucas Inazumai Upon entering a room you've rented in a tavern, you notice a book on a desk. It was worn out and some pages were missing. Barely able to read the front, the only thing that was readable was the name 'Kazumi'. Interested and curious in the contents within, you decided to read it.
Day 3

It has only been three days since I left my village and I already felt a little homesick. Truly it was a sad time since I had to leave my mother, my father, and my little brother. My parents were fine with me leaving now that I’m sixteen, and I have Gareth to help. He was a warrior of the village and a great teacher as he taught me the skills of swordsmanship. He was even nice enough to teach my little brother as well. It was a little cute watching him trying to land a hit on Gareth with his wooden sword.

I remember the times when we would spar, he would always point out each move I make, like “You’re gonna do a right swing and charge forward!” or “I know that stance!”. It’s almost like he knows what I’m about to do. Sometimes, I would think that he has been studying my style of fighting, even naming my attacks. Though, most matches ends with me knocking him off his feet.

Once he has heard of me leaving, he asked me, “Sis, when will you come back?”. I simply smiled while patting his head, “I will be back whenever I can!”. I intend to keep that promise to him. His smile always warms my heart and would give me the will to continue on.

Now we are at Sunsa village, a small and quiet place according to what Gareth told me. We went to a tavern and rented a room to stay for the night. Gareth was always very discreet when it’s just us two. I’m sure he thinks of his wife yelling at him whenever we are alone.

I just hope that the next day, we might have something to do. Besides, what sort of mercenaries are we suppose to be if we’re not hired to do so?