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The Hexeira Files: The Hexeira Files 03 - The Warp

by Sharksuitguy17

Sharksuitguy17 A report on the disastrous phenomenon that occurred during the early stages of Hexeira that changed the course of the region's history forever.

GDP (the Geomultiplicity Distortion Phenomenon), more commonly known as 'the Warp', is a disaster that occurred from 20XX to 20XX. It is believed to have claimed over 8 million lives, and is estimated to have cost 120 trillion Pokedollars in repairs. It was believed to be a consequence of the extreme technological advance of humans from the late XX's to the early XX's.

On the 23rd of November, 20XX, a case of a missing person was reported around Cerepe Town. The report had come from a 'close friend' of the person, who had not seen him for over 3 days since he went to the store to buy supplies. The person, who was unnamed, was never found, and the police later dismissed the case as a false alarm, a spook story. Cerepe Town was rather uninhabited, and neither the 2 families living there nor the Gym Leader knew anything about this man.

Two days later, another report came in of a missing person, this time in the more densely populated Hapi Town. There were about 12 witnesses in total, and each seemed to have a different story to tell about the disappearance of the woman (name: Melia Galaci, age: 20). Most of them had one similarity among them, though. The woman appeared to have 'disappeared into thin air' or 'warped away into the distance'. No camera footage was ever released. Many accusations were made of potential kidnapping, but no one was found guilty.

Over the next month, more and more reports of missing people were reported all over Hexeira. As time went on, more and more people were beginning to leave Hexeira. On the 29th of December, 20XX, half of Manaki Town reportedly 'vanished'. This prompted many emergency procedures, and soon almost all of Hexeira were either evacuated into the 8 regions that included Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola and Galar (any others were labelled as not trusted or enemies) or, in the case of the Floru incident, in which the entirety of Floru seemingly vanished, had died. The native Pokemon on the region were sent to either Aether Paradise in Alola or the Sinnoh Pokemon Rehabilitation Center (SPRC) in Sinnoh.

Small expeditions were launched on the barren Hexeira, but all of them were unsuccessful. All people sent there either lost signal and presumably died, or came back with absolutely nothing but extremely high electricity readings from the generator. Camera drones were sent in after, and they captured something astonishing.

Floru City was visible as if nothing had ever touched it, and all the residents, who were labelled as dead, had seemingly come back to life. This baffled scientists, and more camera drones were sent to the site, but all came back with no Floru in sight.

To summarise the 6 months of effort put in by scientists to find out exactly what happened to the region, a flaw in the geomultipicity factor on the northern hemisphere of the generator was present, a flaw that should have been addressed near the start of the project. Through careful fixes of the problem, Hexeira eventually returned to normal, and life went on.

The phenomenon is unlikely to ever occur again.

The aftermath of the Warp was disastrous. Over 8 million people had died, and their graves are held in the Central Cerepe Graveyard and the Allosortium Memorial Building.

The most paranormal thing is the returning of some of the victims of the Warp. People were reporting seeing confirmed dead people wandering around aimlessly. They could not be interacted with, and would not appear on camera.

The only interact able person that was presumed dead was the second ever victim of the Warp, Melia Galaci. She seemed to appear almost 10 years younger. When interviewed, she said she had no recognition of her disappearance, and she said she had been living with her (currently deceased) father. When informed that her father was dead, she left the scene.

There are a number of hypothesis of what had happened. One, and the most likely, is that the temporal regulator was damaged. The temporal regulator was put into place to establish timezones across the hypercontinent, which went wrong for a number of complicated reasons that it would be unwise to discuss here. This would explain the sudden appearances of the deceased people, but everything else does not make sense. Another explanation is interference from Pokemon. The Temporal Pokemon Dialga could hypothetically have interfered, but a forcefield was established around Hexeira during the early stages of development, and it's purpose was to keep external attacks from non Hexeiran Pokemon from the outside world at bay, so a Pokemon from another region could not have interfered. As well as that, the two Yin-Yan Pokemon are separated as per legend, so they could have never interfered ever.

The cause of the Warp, or GDP, is unidentified as of now, but it is a statistical certainty that it will not happen again.

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