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The Fandom

by DopeLeafeon470

So let's talk about fandoms.
First of all, what IS a fandom?
A fandom is a group of people who come together as best buds because they're both interested in the same things. In this case, Pokecharms is obviously a Pokemon fandom, and speaking of Pokecharms, most fandoms are online. Some people make fanfics, which is okay, but sometimes, they're pretty bad. Like, I dunno, SONIC FAN FRICK. That's okay at the most. Some of the more popular fandoms are the Undertale fandom and the My Little Pony fandom. I can't tell which is more popular, but I'm going to say Undertale. In 2016, at least, but MLP? Sheesh, I didn't know that many boys liked that series. Not to mention the YouTubers who have MLP OCs as their channel mascot. But hey, I don't know why the majority of my friends like the Powerpuff Girls, but at least THAT doesn't have OCs...
Son of a--
So anyway...hey...I just had an idea! I should make an MLP OC! How awesome would that be? Probably not awesome, but it's still worth a shot...
now while I'm loading, might as well talk. Hey, this is on Doll Divine. Just gonna turn this down just in case there's music...and there.
General Zoi's Pony Creator. Let's "Play Game".
Okay, because I like Keldeo, I'm gonna make my horn SOOPER sharp.
Oh, hey, wings, let's--oh my god they look so UGLY.
Now THAT'S better!
But hey, I'll make this Ponee a waterbender.
Well, since there's no escape from the girly-girl eyes, I'll just stick with that.
Leave everything...aaand...done!
Is that the right one? I guess I'll never know while I'm editing this.
But if it is, looks cool, right?
ANYWAY, *ahem* these are the most common of fandoms, and sometimes, they can be a little weird. Never mind you, DETERMINATION, I'm feeling SHOCK.
If you're in a fandom, or as some, including me call it: FANBASE, then that's okay. Take the Sonic fanbase for example. If you like Sonic and play his games and talk about it with other people, that's okay. What ISN'T okay is that you make Rainbow Dash become pregnant with Sonic. That's not cute. That's creepy. I'm scarred for life now.
So don't you EVER do that.
Got it?
Got it.
Also, OCs.
I've mentioned OCs a lot, and if you don't know, OCs are also fan characters. I'll just make the good ideas and bad ideas of Sonic OCs. Roll the clip!
GOOD IDEA: Make a Sonic OC control fire.
BAD IDEA: Make a Sonic OC control multiverses.
GOOD IDEA: Make a Sonic OC and that's it.
BAD IDEA: Make a Sonic OC related to the canon characters. (Sonic's long-lost brother? Seriously guys?)
GOOD IDEA: Make an original Sonic OC
BAD IDEA: Make a reskin of Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles and call it an OC.
See what I mean? The bad ideas are WAY too common, and it needs to stop.
And I'll try to end this on a low-note:

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed, be sure to leave a like, follow, and check out my other series...es. Thanks for reading, I hope you all have a fabulous day!
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