Pokegue: Tanabata: Evening of the seventh: Star Festival

by ShogunZoro

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ShogunZoro Title:たなばた (Tanabata: Evening of the seventh: Star Festival)
As the celebration of Summer Matsuri continues, here is the Fourth issue of Summer's Festival. We look to the lovers and couples of the year. July 7th celebrates Tanabata, the Star Festival. Tanabata is celebrated to commemorate the romantic story of two lovers represented by the stars Vega and AltairFaram who are only allowed to meet each other once a year. Love is unboundless.
Saying:知らぬが仏(Not knowing is Buddha. Ignorance is Bliss)
  1. Hecotoro
    This is so cool xD nice job
    Jun 25, 2020
    PrincessPika~chan likes this.