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Tales of Three Face Prologue

by Cillian Darcy

Cillian Darcy A sixteen years old girl Lorcan Darcy must travels to Kobukan region to find her missing parents, who are missing on the day she was born.
"Okay, where to begin? I've been living in Kanto when i was a baby. The last time I saw them, I was five years old, we were at the Pokemon carnival. I was with my mom, after failing to win me a stuffed Charmander like I wanted, she won me a compass key-chain which she told me that it's more valuable than a stuff animal cause if I ever lost, I can find my way. On our way to the entrance of the carnival, I dropped my key-chain and chases after in doing so I lost track of my mom. After encountering a woman dressed like her but isn't her, I was left with the police and is taken into the foster system.

When I was ten, Professor Oak invites me to his lab, I've been given my very first Pokemon, Pikachu. We've been best friends since then. Two years later, I came out to my adopted mom, I told her that I'm bisexual. She supported me, along with my Pikachu, I've decided to name him, Sparky which he likes the most. After I graduated middle school, my mom and Professor Oak decided to ship me off to Kobukan Academy in Kobukan region. Screw my social worker's orders, I'm gonna find my family and give them a piece of my mind."
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