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Superman: Eternal: S1: Superman: Eternal: Season 1, Episode 1 - Starting Line

by Generation Sect

Generation Sect We witness the beginnings of a powerful new hero that will shake up the Eternal universe.
Krypton - ????

The scientist placed the infant into what looked like some sort of high-tech crib, looking solemnly down to the young child. He kissed it one last time on the forehead, before sealing shut the contraption with a wave of his hand in front of a sensor. Tears filled his eyes as he looked over at it through the glass.

“Goodbye… Kal-El…” Those were his last words as he pressed the button, ejecting the pod at high speeds into outer space. As it flew through the tube in its silver container, the baby could only hear certain sounds, ones it could not understand. A reinforced door, crunching as it broke down. Laser fire throughout the building. The last, gasping breaths of a dying man. The clunk of multitudinous metallic legs, storming the complex. The humming, increasing as the pod sped up. And finally, the burst as the pod reached light speed. As the device became surrounded by the endless, cold vacuum of outer space, all the sounds were gone. Nothing… but the cries of a baby. However, the pod wasn’t stopping on its path. It had a far more… mundane destination than its design would suggest.

Smallville - Kansas - 1994

Jonathan and Martha Kent exited the Braverman house, a woman waving off to them from the doorway. John turned back to her.

“It was wonderful of you to let us come see little Kenny, Marie. As I’m sure you know, Martha and I send all our best wishes to you.”

“Oh, no need.” The woman smiled gratefully, her voice changed tone and her expression changed to a more concerned one. “Sorry about, y’know… I hope you two get to have your own little bundle of joy eventually.”

“Don’t worry; it’ll happen when God intends it dear.” Martha’s eyes started to well up with tears, her husband comforting her best he could as he hugged her. Martha smiled to him, but she didn’t seem hopeful. He looked to Marie, Martha still clinging to him. “And I’m sure, when we have our own child, they and Kenny will be great friends. We’re thinking of Clark, if it’s a boy. Not decided on a girl’s name.” Martha didn’t seem to be feeling any better with all the talk of babies. She still wasn’t hopeful it was even possible for her. John waved to Marie as she shut the door. “We’ll be seeing you soon.” He took Martha by the hand, and they walked around the side of the Braverman’s house and into the fields. The Braverman house was a little farmhouse, like they had, and all that separated them was a shared field around the back of each house. As they walked through the darkness, Martha suddenly turned back. “…John…” He turned too, only to see a shining light. The Braverman’s had a small shed, a little barn out the back of their house, which spilled into the fields, and inside it now rested a silver container, with a heavy glass layer protecting its tiny occupant… what seemed like a new-born baby. Martha instantly ran over to it, attempting to find a way to open it. As John cautiously approached it from behind her, a silver symbol on the front of the pod caught his eye, an S-shape twisting around inside a gem-like structure. At Martha’s touch, the window slid open, and she took the tiny child into her arms, cradling it. Her eyes welled with tears again. “John… I think we’ve just had a miracle.”

Clark Joseph Kent woke up in his bed, a clean, somehow perfectly unshuffled sheet colored like a night sky, with yellow cloth stitches in it made to look like twinkling stars. He sleepily rolled over, turning his little head to the day-by day calendar on the nightstand, flipping it over once. April 19th, 2002. The 8-year old boy hopped out of bed energetically, checking the time on the clock on the wall. A nice, clean 7 AM. Within the next half hour, he was ready for school.

“Bye Mama!” He waved to Martha Kent as he slung his backpack onto his shoulders, and stepped through the door.

“Have a good day as per usual Clark, say hello to little Kenny for me!” The woman turned to him from her seat on the living room, reading a newspaper where he could barely make the headline out.

“Mama, you know he doesn’t like to be called little anymore!” Clark giggled. He then strode out, walking down the country lane and past the field towards the nearest bus stop, eventually coming to a stop by the side of the grassy road, next to a broken fence. He waved to the taller, red-haired boy his age that was waiting for him. His hoarse voice shouted out to him.

“Oi! Kent! Get over ‘ere, yer gonna be late! We have a game today, and if we lose AGAIN because of you I’m not to blame.”

“Well, that’s a better greeting than last week Kenny. And as coach said, you’re the captain, and you have to take that responsibility.” Clark laughed, grinning sheepishly as he approached the boy.

“Tell the coach I’ve never taken responsibility for you, and never will. Otherwise I wouldn’t have such a clean, flawless record.” Kenny scoffed, then held a hand over his chest boastingly.

“Your record has more holes in it than-“ Clark took up a position standing next to him, stifling a giggle. Before he could finish, Kenny cut in, grinning cruelly.

“Devon’s dad?”

“Kenny, that happened about a few weeks ago… That’s rude! … I was only gonna say Mom’s cheese.” Clark looked at him disgusted.

“Kent, compared to my other work? That’s nothing.” Kenny laughed sadistically as the bus came down the road, pulling to a stop before them. The bus stopped at the bus stop further down the grassy road, the door opening. The red-haired, freckled boy looked to him, giving him a mischievous grin. “Race ya.” Having barely finished his words, Kenny instinctively took off at full pelt down the road, Clark panting but eventually overtaking the boy, coming to a stop in front of the open doors of the bus and waiting for him. Kenny finally skidded to a stop, Clark smiling at him and commenting

“Gotcha again. That three in a row now, or what?”

“Don’t count on it sticking Kent.” Kenny sneered. Clark giggled, turning and attempting to get on only to be pushed aside by Kenny, who slipped in first in their regular routine. Despite what it seemed, the two had been close friends since they were young, and they never sat next to anyone else on the bus. So they did, Kenny snarking to some friends in another row while Clark took the window seat, looking out into the horizon, as he always did. One day, he was gonna leave Smallville and see the big, wide world, even if Kenny said that dream would most likely fall through.

“C-CLARK! CLARK!!!” That was all he needed to wake up. Kenny, yelling? And not in the way he usually did. This wasn’t anger. This was fear… And he rarely, if ever called him Clark. His eyes jolted open, springing around in his seat, seeing Kenny nervously hanging off his seat, dipping his foot into the aisle only to retract, yelling some obscenity Clark had never heard before loudly. As he looked out the window, he saw where the obvious problem was. He must have fell asleep while daydreaming, and the bus must’ve gone through some fence… the bus was stuck in the leftovers of some muddy field, caused by the heavy rain of the last few weeks and months. The sound of the wheels grinding against the slipping surface as the bus’s forward end sunk deeper into the brown water. This field must have been a victim of the recent floods, and now? Their school bus was on a one-way trip straight into it. Kenny turned to Clark, the first real look of fear on his face he’d ever seen as children shouted and screamed throughout the bus, descending into panic.

“… Kent. Thank god thought you’d never wake up.”

Clark looked at him, without saying a word, very obviously wanting an explanation.

“We skidded, went through a fence, and now we’re sinking to our untimely demise. Stupid driver tried to open the doors A.S.A.P, but ended up flooding us with water… and it’s only getting worse. Guess I was right huh? Like I said, you’ll be stuck here all your life.” Kenny sighed. For once, all smugness left Kenny’s eyes as he seemed to have given up hope. He was interrupted by a hand to the shoulder.

“… Kenny. What do you think all those window break things are for?” Clark spoke.

Kenny smirked, looking to him as he hugged his knees to his chest, balanced atop his seat as the muddy, brown water seeping in through the crack under the bus door reached knee-height.

“Never give up do ya Kent?”

“C’mon, since when was the last time you let ANYTHING beat you? Teachers?” Clark smiled.

“I never get in trouble for NOTHING. Weasel out of it.” Kenny laughed.


“Kent, just cause you’ve beat me a few times, don’t mean I’m NOT the captain. I always come back stronger.” Kenny’s cocky grin returned to his face. And, at that thought, he stood up, and dipped into the water, it coming up to the middle of his shirt as the seats were now just above the water height. He gestured to Clark, who followed him, wading through the water to the back of the bus, where three children were perched precariously atop their seats, squished between the water and the roof. Kenny pressed his hands to the rectangular pane of glass at the back of the bus, putrid water and slicks of mud having splashed up onto it and blocking the view slightly. He looked back to Clark, with his trademark ‘I’ve had an idea’ grin.

“Kent, get over ‘ere. Kids have been breaking the glass on their windows, but they dunno how deep the mud is they’ll fall out into, or they’ve done it wrong and made the glass too dangerous to squeeze through. That or they’re just pussies.” He scoffed, his brown freckles covered a little by mud that had spat up. “But us?” He jerked thumbs-up towards himself. “Me and you. Kent and Kenny. Smallville Football team captain, and uh… I mean I guess you came second.” He smirked out of self-satisfaction, rubbing it in even at a time like this. Clark nodded, making a small grunt of agreement as he took up position next to Kenny in front of the glass, pressing both his palms against it. He steadied himself, and also his heart, which was still practically beating against his chest. Mama and Pops had taught him how to deal with an emergency and keep calm, and that was what he would have to do. His legs were freezing in the cold, disgusting water, and he could see Kenny’s entire body was shivering too. He looked to Clark, nodding.

“Go.” And, with that, they both pushed against it, Clark gritting his teeth. The glass barely budged on Kenny’s end, but at that moment, as all he could hear was the funnelling of water and the grinding of teeth, his heart practically pounding at his ribs, as his muscles pushed to their limit, he felt a strange tingling, as all those clashing sounds were overtook by the sound of sweet release: the right side of the glass pane straining, and finally popping from its place, swinging out into the cold air. Kenny looked at Clark before using his fingers to lever his end more, the pane cleanly popping out and falling to the ground below them with a cracking sound. Kenny turned to Clark again. Cracking? They both knew what that meant.

”SOLID GROUND!” Both boys remarked, Kenny hurriedly using a seat as a leg up and slipping sideways through the hole left by the pane, dropping out of Clark’s sight.

“IT’S SAFE!” The few seconds of precarious silence were finally broken by his voice. Following suit, Clark copied Kenny’s movements and slipped through, making the drop onto the other side, his boots slipping against the mud and stones. Kenny began to make his way up the small, rocky hill towards the broken fence, stepping through the tire trails in the mud, turning back to him, only to see Clark gripping his hands against the back license plate of the bus.

“… Kent have you gone insane? Get the hell outta here!”

Clark didn’t look back, grunting as he leveraged the back of the bus with his newfound strength.

“I-I… I CAN DO THIS!” And with one mighty heave, Kenny watched in awe, as the chaotic sounds all came together, the overheating of the engine, the rushing muddy water, the sound of the wheels pulling hopelessly as best they could against the little remaining ground in a desperate attempt to gain some traction, and the sound of one boy’s muscles somehow miraculously gathering the force to pull against a slipping bus. Inch by inch, the bus started to move back upwards, the sound of the wheels becoming less clogged and clearer as, now out of the deeper mud, the buses reversing system started to become more effective. This helped a lot, little Clark’s muscles starting to ache and burn in pain as, for the first real time; he accessed a part of his genetics he had never known about. Kenny merely stood, glued to the spot, not moving from his spot perched atop the rocks at the side of the hill as Clark stuck close by the back of the bus, the back end of the vehicle finally making it back over the ledge and through the broken hole between the wooden fences. Clark quickly jumped aside, stumbling over to the left side of the bus with Kenny as the vehicle attempted to turn itself back around to move on. Unable to support himself after the tiring act, Clark fell to the side after his dodge, landing on his shoulder on the grass at the side of the road, looking up groggily to see an amazed Kenny, now perched on the fence above him, the morning sun half-blinding, Kenny’s figure casting a shadow over him.

“Kent… that was SUPER!” He hopped down onto Clark’s side of the fence, extending a hand down to pick him up. Clark took it, the black-haired and blue-eyed boy struggling to stand himself up. At that moment, Kenny looked to the distance, and Clark could have sworn he heard a gasp for relief as the sound of the approaching sirens came from down the road.

Clark sat in the back of his parent’s car, both Jonathan and Martha Kent in the front seats, endlessly fussing with words that Clark could barely make out. They certainly cared, and that was all that really mattered. He draped himself in the sudden warmth of the yellow, blue and red towel (the colours of the Smallville Crows, the school football team, ironically enough) his mom had instantaneously wrapped him in once arriving at the scene, his red sleeveless shirt and blue jeans soaked a patchy brown by muddy water. He didn’t know what he had done that day… but it felt good. He was like those heroes he had seen on TV… weren’t they in a team or something? Granted, they were old news, but names such as Doctor Mid-Nite, Hourman, Doctor Fate… all reverberated in his dreams. As Kenny had said… he was super. He could do so much when he went out to the world! And he was sure this display would shut Kenny up about his “pipe-dream”. He just had to find a land of more opportunity…

The very next morning, as he sat down at the table for breakfast, his mother came downstairs, surprised to see him as she entered the kitchen.

“Clark? Its 6:50, why are you up already? And you made yourself breakfast?”

Clark smiled, munching on a bowl of cereal, as he read the newspaper that usually his parents would read. His eyes glanced across an article, a picture of a city almost shining with light. “Metropolis: Shining city of opportunity!” Clark followed along the article, something about Metropolis being the city with lowest crime rates in the USA currently. The young boy looked up from his cereal, projecting his voice into the kitchen.


“Yes, Clark?”

“I wanna write one of these one day. I think I could do it…”

“Of course you can Clark. Of course you can.”

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, i feel like since this is the first episode of my whole new series, i guess i have to address the fellow upcoming and continuing series by some other amazing content creators here on 'Charms. Thanks to the one that started it all, @Mockingchu, for giving me this opportunity, and i believe you can already check out the first episode of B:E S3, which i hope will continue going strong. Next up, @Eeveechu151 will soon be piloting GE:E going into its second season, which i also hope will continue with as much if not more quality as it did before. And, finally, @Takumeme666420, will hopefully soon be starting Season 1 of his Eternal series now, Red Hood and the Outlaws, just like me, and i wish him the same success i hope to achieve. Thanks again to anyone reading this, and the rest of the DC:E crew for giving me this exciting opportunity to hopefully tell a fun story. Sect out!
  1. Generation Sect
    Generation Sect
    Let me know here if you wanna be tagged in the Notification Squad for this series!
    Jun 15, 2018