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Super Mario: Midnight Run S1 E1

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 I made a big mistake.
Diame: Oh, hey everyone! I'm Diame! I come from the core of the Infinity Diamond...but there's trouble afoot on this planet! Darkness is spreading...and it's spreading everywhere! I have to find some people to save the world! Hmm...no, not him...aha! Those three! Tim...Leroy...and...Loren! Yeah! Well, that's done. Now I can drown my popcorn in butter and watch Spider-Man: Homecoming!

(Tim and Loren are running across some plains)
(They come across some Dark Goombas)
(Loren turns into an egg and Tim hits it with his hammer, covering the screen)
(Then there's a shot of Leroy being kidnapped by a mysterious figure)
(Icy and Sam show up, with a shadow of Bowser in front of them)
(Loren and Tim come across them, with the shadow of Bowser gone)
(The two sides run to each other)

Mario's Game Over! Three heroes are chosen!

Leroy: Loren? LOREN! Wake up!
Loren: ...huh?
Tim: It's time for the festival! We're going early, remember?
Loren: Oh yeah! Just let me get dressed, I'll be right out!
Tim: Take your time! Leroy and I will be out here! (They walk out of the room)
Loren: (gets dressed) (Goes outside)
Loren: Ready?
Tim and Leroy: Ready!
(The trio walks to the festival)
Trio: !
Leroy: The whole thing's on fire!
Bowser: ROOOOAR! (Breathes fire)

(The trio dodges)
Loren: Wh-what do we do? I don't know how to attack!
Bowser: Well, if it isn't Loren the Yoshi, Tim the Koopa and Leroy the Shy Guy! You know you all belong to me, right?
Leroy: We're not falling for your stupid tricks, Bowser!
Bowser: Oh yeah? (Looks at Tim) What if I had your only weakness?
Tim: ! Wh-what?
Bowser: Good luck. Show them how you do it, Sam!
Sam: Yes, Lord Bowser!
Icy: These puny pies have nothing against us!
Tim: ! S-Sam?
Bowser: Bwahaha! I've got better things to do! (Hops into Clown Car) See ya!
Leroy: Hey! GET BACK HERE! (Throws turnip) (Misses) ARGH!
Sam: Execute the Ice Hammer! (Grabs green hammer)
Icy: I love this one! (Charges up Ice Hand)
(Icy is standing behind Sam, unleashing his Ice attacks, soon to be hit by Sam's Troopa Hammer)
(The team is hurt badly)
(Sam and Icy go into their shells, and spin towards the injured team)
Tim: Guys! No!
Loren: Tim!
Tim: Leroy!
Leroy: Loren!
(A blinding light surrounds the team, and they disappear)
Sam: WHAT?! They're GONE?!
Icy: Bowser's gonna give us the time of day once he hears about this!
Icy: Woah dude, I think that's a little TOO far.
Sam: Yeah, I kinda need this thing.
Loren: Ungh...guys! You're alive!
Diame: I can see that!
Leroy: (gets up) Who are you?
Loren: (gets up)
Tim: (gets up)
Diame: My name is Diame. I have been tasked with selecting the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Loren: Why? What's wrong with the old ones?
Diame: Well, you see...this isn't easy to explain...Mario is...dead.
Diame: And Bowser has taken control ever since. Towns like yours, Rawberry Village, are one of the only towns that isn't under control of Bowser.
Loren: That's why he's always attacking us!
Diame: Indeed. He wishes to rule the Mushroom Kingdom, forever.
Tim: What about Loogie?
Diame: LUIGI!
Tim: Luigi!
Diame: Well, you see...Luigi is a coward. He never stands up to a fight by himself.
Leroy: We can help him! But why US?!
Diame: You are the only ones with enough courage to take down Sam and Icy. Maybe even Bowser himself.
Tim: MAYBE?!
Diame: But you cannot do this alone. I shall give you these. (Gives each member a Special Attack)
Diame: Loren, you have Egg Roll. Leroy, you have Mega Turnip. And Tim, you have Razor Shell. Together, you form...the MIDNIGHT RUNNERS!
Tim: I don't know about you guys, but I'm in! (Puts hand in the middle)
Loren: Me too! (Puts hand in the middle)
Leroy: Me three! (Puts hand in the middle)
Diame: But you cannot accomplish this task on your own. Sadly, the Mario in the Paper World had vanished...but Paper Luigi remains strong. Your first task is to find the book to the paper world and contact Paper Luigi. Good luck. (Fades away and everything goes back to normal)
Loren: ...do you guys know what just happened?
Leroy: ...we became heroes...
Tim: ...we became heroes!
Tim: Come on guys! Let's find Paper Luigi!

Sam: Stupid people, always messing up our stupid plans...stupid...why do we have to suffer?
Icy: There's something wrong with them. They don't just disappear like that.
(They finish walking back to the castle)
Bowser: Lemme guess: You lost.
Sam: THEY DISAPPEARED! We almost had him...we...UGH!
Bowser: Good. I have a top-rank soldier ready to join your duo. His name is George.
Sam: Awesome! I'm already getting ideas!
Icy: I think I'm getting the same ideas!
George: We'd better not slow ourselves down!
Sam: You got that right! Come on, let's go see the Koopalings! Hey Ludwig!



(Sam, Icy, and George are on an airship, looking towards Rawberry Village. They grinned evil-y at each other and walked away)
(Tim and Leroy are training while Loren is sitting down, watching the sunset)
(George practices his aerial maneuvers)
(Sam masters his Hammer combos)
(Icy freezes the room with his special attacks)
(Sam, Icy, and George have a race)
(Tim smiles at Loren and Leroy, saying 'Another adventure awaits!' As they all run towards the sunset)

Whew. That took a few hours.
@Mewtwofan259 @Eeveechu151 @Splashfur