Such a Doll!

by Alex The Hydreigon

Alex The Hydreigon Awwweee, yeah Bois! How's life going for you guys? Good? Cool! I know I'm happy, Cuz I got and insta for my Pokémon reigon I'm making called the Astrove reigon. Please feel free to check it out! Just serch Astrove reigon, and it'll pop up. :3
I also wanted to point out that school for me will be back on in a couple of weeks, and I thing all next week, is when I finally do my challenge I created. I wish all of you guys luck for those who start work or school back up again too. ^^ have a wonderful day my fellow Hydreigon!
  1. Alex The Hydreigon
    Sep 1, 2018
  2. IsaacOlly109
    that's amazing
    Aug 31, 2018
    Alex The Hydreigon likes this.