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Short Sea Stories: Story 1: The Combined Time Periods

by soxterluna

soxterluna so when i was young I created some short stories with my bff and I just found them. : /
so i guess this is gonna be a tiny series of stories won’t it?
and maybe add a comic for this xd
There was a time in the year 6006 A.D. and sharks had dominated the world. They thought they were stronger, greater in power, than the infamous god, Dunkleosteus who was declared as extinct. So after the sharks built a time machine, they somehow screwed something and probably did it really badly because it teleported every single animal past and present from the sea, onto Searth (Earth).

Water was soon found everywhere and land was almost impossible to find, soon causing a Great War, known as The Dihydrogen War. The war was dreadful, even pronounced worse than the famous World Wars, but the modern sharks who created the portal have seemed out Dunkleosteus. Dunkleosteus was much bigger than any of the present sharks and had one of the most powerful jaws of any creature in history, being able to easily bite an elephant in half. The present sharks had sent an army of sharks towards Dunkleosteus, each solider shooting out poisonous Spine Shark Darts ( SSD Darts ). Dunkleosteus however, whipped his tail and blew the soldiers away.

The army didn’t give up though, and started shooting again, starting to notice where the Dunkleosteus’s weak spot was. Dunkleosteus fell down and was weak. The army charged, ready to destroy him, but they forgot one of his feats. Dunkleosteus opened his mouth so fast that it started sucking everything around him, including the army, providing him quite a good snack. They soon were all in his stomach were being digested.

Dunkleosteus found the time machine and fixed it, sending everything back to it’s time period, including himself. All the present sharks in his stomach were returned and were in their hospital beds, almost dying from acid. With this action, the Dihydrogen War had ended.

(this was not the original story, some parts being manipulated and some parts being added, since me and my friend’s English weren’t the best when we were 10.)