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Sonic- Silver Sonic Prototype

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon One of the earliest designs for the later perfected Metal Sonic, Silver Sonic was the smallest Robot version of sonic to date, being slightly smaller than him to boot. This robot has a cheery, child like demeanor that far differs from it's earlier and later models, and has unique abilities from them as well. After it's destruction, his design would be downgraded and mass produced to aid Metal Sonic in his endeavors.

It's main feature is it's extendable limbs, each limb capable of extending to over ten feet, clasping objects and foes with it's cuff like claws. It's chest can also open up to reveal a hidden third claw for securing important items like chaos emeralds and storing them within it's body. Due to it's light frame, he can maneuver the easiest out of all the metal counterparts, snaking with it's elastic like body through obstacles and attacks that would otherwise be impossible.

The back thruster of his can rarely he used long term due to his proportions being difficult to balance, so instead he uses it in combat to fly about erratically, making it's attack patterns harder to predict!
  1. Shen: King of Digimon
    Shen: King of Digimon
    Jan 26, 2022
  2. Daniel from Pallet Town
    Daniel from Pallet Town
    Very cool seriously it's just great how you drew it and that you have written things about it I also think it's something very nice on your part the drawing is great greetings if you read this8)
    Jan 26, 2022
    Shen: King of Digimon likes this.