I Got Bored :/: Sonic Games

by DopeLeafeon470

Man, it's been a while since I've made one of these.
Recently, not-so-recently, I made a work about Kirby Games.
And, because I'm a big fan of those games...
I thought I might start a series.
For absolutely no reason.
In this episode: Sonic Games.
We all know how Sonic Games are mediocre at average.
I mean, IGN thinks they're bad, so everyone does.
Until people realized what they're saying is bullcrap!
It's not about whether it's good or not, it's about how you see it.
Is it a lazy feature included? Or was it a creative twist to Sonic games?
Take Sonic and the Black Knight for example.
I thought that was cool in my opinion.
Plus, pretty much every character got a cool knight remake.
Knuckles is a Samurai!
Silver is called the Silver Knight!
...that's all I remember, actually.
Blaze is in there though!
Another example is Sonic Adventure.
Take a close look at the logo for Sonic Adventure.
But again, take a close look at it.
You can see a blue sky, the sun behind the clouds, and calm turquoise water.
This actually kind of relaxes me, puts me at ease, lowers my blood pressure.
It reminds me of the tiny bit of beautiful we still have in this world.
Anyway, back to gameplay.
You can play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, E-102 Gamma...is that it?
Alright, alright, fine.
I don't know what problem people have with Big.
He's a funny character, and the only character in the game that doesn't have a mouth disorder.
Gamma: ?
That has a mouth.
Gamma: :(
But don't forget Chaos!
Eggman: Let me introduce you to my new pet CHAOS! Its power grows every time I feed it an emerald!
Sonic, or Tails, depending on what story you're playing, "accidentally" give the Chaos Emerald to Robotnik.
Behold, the last time Eggman was called Robotnik.
That's right, Sonic called Robotnik a "Giant Talking Egg".
And so began Egghead and Baldy McNosehair.
Sonic Adventure 2 was Shadow's debut, and didn't disappoint anyone.
Or, was it Rouge's...
maybe it was both.
Who said storybook games?
Sonic and the Secret Rings...
That game was actually pretty easy.
All ya had ta do was tilt the Wii Remote left and right to navigate.
Also Shara!
No no no wait!
I don't waifu Shara!
Sonic Colors was good.
Oh...Sonic Unleashed.
I like the day stages, like everyone else.
But the night stages...
It's not that they're boring, it's not that they have bad level design, and it's probably not the controls...
You're always at Empire-State-Building-level of highness at pretty much every level.
Good luck.
This is being the dopest of Leafeon!
And I hope you all have a fabulous day!
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