Sol Rising: Chapter 1 - Sol Awakening

by Mechanist Gamma

Mechanist Gamma Meet Sun, a young trainer from Springwood Town. Sun is about to embark on a fantastic journey across his large island of a home region. On this journey, he will make friends, foes and rivals alike. We start at the beginning of his quest, where Sun first battle a Rowlet with his trusty partner, Repide the Lycanroc.

Notes: Yes, this is the beginning of a story about my Pokemon OCs. Sun's my trainer, and if you know my OCs you'll probably know Repide and Soren. Rest assured, this is only the start!
LOADING GAME… 17%... 34%... 62%... 89%... 100%

“What’s your name, child?”
Sun opened his eyes, sitting up. He looked around himself. He seemed to be in some sort of… gray void? But why? Was this a dream? It had to be.
Sun turned around, and saw something behind him. A shadowy, black figure. It seemed to be facing away from him, but there was one glowing blue eye looking at him from a tilted head.
“My name’s Sun.” Sun said, standing up and facing the figure. “I’m guessing this is a dream?”
“It’s more real than you think.” the figure said, and suddenly everything changed.
Now Sun seemed to be at the top of a large, ornate castle. In front of him were two men, both with a Pokemon. The two were battling.
Then Sun realized something.
Is… IS THAT ME?! Sun thought, shocked, as he saw himself commanding a Greninja into battle. The opposing trainer sent out a Zoroark, and the two clashed. As soon as the two Pokemon clashed, everything changed again. But this time it was a flurry of events, moving so fast Sun couldn’t perceive them.
“You wouldn’t understand, foolish commoner!”
“I assure you, we have only the best of intentions.”
“Ever read this book?”
“Wake up.”
“We’re Team All-Stars!”
“No, that doesn’t look right…”
“The scrolls are very dangerous in the wrong hands.”
“We’re more alike than you think, you know.”
“Wake up!”
“At last, you arrive!”
“Why did you lie to me?!”
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“Catch them!”

Sun jolted awake. He didn’t remember why he had jolted awake like he had. A bad dream, maybe? That was when Sun noticed his alarm clock was going off. He had slept in? Unusual. Grabbing the clock, Sun took a look. 7:37 AM.
“Hey, I’m still good.” Sun said, smiling. That was when he noticed the Pokemon sleeping on the end of his bed, right on top of his feet. It was Repide, his Rockruff. “Hey, Repide. How ya doin’?” Sun said, smiling, and Repide realized he was awake. The pup leapt up and dashed right over to Sun, giving him tons of love. “Heh heh! I’m doing great too, boy!” Sun moved Repide over to the side so he could get out of bed. Grabbing his towel, he went to get a shower.

Sun’s mother, Lune, was cooking in the kitchen when Sun came down. He was wearing his classic outfit - his red tank top, black shorts with red lining and black sneakers. His dark blue hair (matching his eyes) glistened as he walked up to the table.
“Hey, mom!” Sun said, smiling. “Where’s dad?”
“Out at the professor’s lab again.” Lune said, smiling back. “Made some bacon and pancakes for breakfast!”
“Ooh!” Sun said happily, sitting down. He began to eat his food while Lune turned on the television. A news report was on about the new project of Professor Teak, the Pokémon Garden that she was starting up.
“So, Ms. Teak, what purpose does this Pokémon Garden serve, exactly?” the interviewer asked.
“Well, it’s essentially a better starter system.” the Professor said. “In the past, professors have had to find rare starter Pokemon to give trainers starting out on their journeys. They have to bring the Pokemon to the trainers - sometimes from across the world. My approach is fundamentally different. Instead of bringing the Pokemon to the trainers, we bring the trainers to the Pokemon!”
“I see.” the interviewer said. “Have you tested this idea out before?”
“Not yet.” Ropa Teak said. “But there are three promising young trainers who will be receiving Pokemon here in about an hour.”
Suddenly, Sun froze. “...I’m one of those trainers… CRUD!” Sun wolfed down the rest of his food before grabbing his backpack and throwing his stuff in. Repide ran over and climbed into his backpack before Sun dashed out of the house, waving goodbye to his mother.

Professor Teak was talking with one of her assistants when Sun came running into the lab. “Professor! I’m here!” Sun said, regaining his stamina after his long jog.
“Oh! You’re early, Sun.” Ropa said, walking over to the boy. “We’ve still got 25 minutes until the Garden opens. You’re the first one here, aside from the news team.”
“Wait, really?” Sun said with a sigh. Repide poked his head out of Sun’s backpack, jumping out and running over to the Professor’s assistant.
“Hey there, Repide!” the man said, scratching the dog’s head. “Hey, Son! How are things?”
“Hey, dad.” Sun said with a smile. Star worked as the professor’s assistant, which meant that Sun had been to the lab a lot.
“You excited, Sun?”
“Oh, you bet!” Sun said, pumping his fist. Suddenly another door opened, and a girl ran in.
“Please don’t tell me I’m late!” she said, exhausted just like Sun. Her long purple hair fell over her face as she stood up, her green track pants, purple sleeveless shirt and pink long-sleeved undershirt gleaming in the light.
“And here’s our second one.” the Professor said, walking over to her. “Hello, Kate. You’re about 25 minutes early.”
“Wait, really? Oh.” Kate said. “So we’re not getting our Pokemon yet?”
“Not yet, but soon.” Ropa responded, picking up her clipboard and recording some notes.
“Aw.” Kate said, sitting down cross-legged. “Huh? Who are you?” she asked, looking at Sun.
“Uh… my name’s Sun.” Sun replied. “I’m here for a Pokemon, just like you. Do you already have one?”
“Nope.” Kate said with a sigh.
“Oh. Well, this will actually be my second Pokemon.” Sun said with a smile. Repide walked over and jumped back into Sol’s backpack. “I wonder who the other person will be…?”
Soon enough, a third kid that seemed slightly older than Sun walked in, sitting down on the bench without saying a word. He had black hair, one of his grey eyes being covered by it. His black polo shirt and sleeves went perfectly with his dark beige shorts and black sneakers.
“Uh, Jace, aren’t you going to say hello?” Ms. Teak asked, looking at him.
“...hello.” Jace said coldly.
Oh yay, the friendliest person in the world! Sun thought sarcastically. He walked up to Jace. “Hey, it’s nice to meet you. Name’s Sun.”
“If I cared I would have asked.” Jace said, taking out a Pokeball and looking at it.
“...alright then.” Sun said, walking back over to the professor. “How much longer?”
“Twenty minutes.” she said.
“This is gonna take forever…” Sun said dejectedly, sighing.

Finally, the time arrived. The professor and her assistant called Sun and the others forwards, out into the Garden. As they stepped out, Professor Teak snipped the ribbon blocking off the park right in half. There were already Pokemon inside. As Sun stepped out into the Pokemon Garden, he saw a bunch of Pokemon running around happily. Sun decided to head over into the fields, his Rockruff poking its head out of his backpack. He slowly looked around. He couldn’t see any nearby Pokemon in the area he was in…
...when all of a sudden, he felt two talons on top of his head.
Repide barked at the landed Pokemon as Sun ran around frantically. “GAH! GET OFF!” he shouted, trying to get the Pokemon off his head. The Pokemon flew up into the air before landing on Sun’s shoulder. Sun turned around to look at the Pokemon, and saw a 180-degrees turned Pokemon head staring at him.
It was a Rowlet.

A minute later, Sun was sitting down in front of a tree. The Rowlet was hanging on the underside of the tree branch, twisting its head back and forth. Sun was scratching Repide’s head as he looked at the Rowlet.
“So, uh… what exactly does this mean?” Sun asked, looking at the Rowlet.
The Rowlet cooed, turning its head around. It then flapped down, landing on Sun’s shoulder. It cooed happily.
“You… want to come with me or something?” Sun asked. Rowlet nodded in response. “Wait, really? But shouldn’t I have to prove something, or do something, or…?”
The Rowlet cooed again, as if to say “your aura”.
“Uh… alright then.” Sun said, hand on his trillby hat. “But I feel like I don’t entirely deserve you, yet.”
The Rowlet narrowed its eyebrows before flying back. Sun jumped up and grabbed Repide, rolling out of the way of the Leafage attack.
“Alright then, a battle is fine with me!” Sun said, Repide walking forwards. In all reality, here, I’m at a severe disadvantage. Sun thought. Repide is a pure Rock type. Any one of Rowlet’s Grass-type moves will be super effective. I’ve got to move fast and attack while not getting hit! “Repide, Double Team!” Sun shouted, commanding Repide’s first move. Repide quickly began to run around Rowlet, a bunch of clones of itself appearing around it. Soon enough, dozens of Rockruffs were running around the Rowlet. Rowlet spun around, using Leafage in a large circle. “Jump and use Sand Attack!” Sun said, and the real Repide jumped up to avoid the attack. As soon as he landed, he kicked a stream of sand into Rowlet’s face. Rowlet flew around warily, blinded by sand. “Let’s go! Bite!” Repide dashed straight towards Rowlet, biting down hard. Rowlet, as Repide was up close, used a Peck attack in defense. Repide let go, and Rowlet flapped back. The two charged towards each other with a Tackle attack, crashing into each other. They both fell back, low on stamina. Rowlet then nodded, walking forwards. The Rowlet then flew up onto Sun’s shoulder, cooing.
“Alright, then.” Sun said with a smile. “If you really want to come with me.”
Rowlet cooed again, flying down towards Sun’s belt and tapping a Pokeball with its beak. Rowlet went inside, and the Pokeball closed.
“Ha hah! I got a Rowlet!” Sun said with a smile, holding up his Pokeball. Repide jumped into the air, smiling. As Repide landed, Sun let the Rowlet out of the Pokeball. “Alright, now to find you a nickname. What should I call you…? I know! Soren!” Sun crouched down and looked at Rowlet. “Do you like that name?”
Soren cooed happily. Sun smiled as his new pal hopped onto his shoulder, and Repide leapt into the backpack. Sun smiled as he looked up before turning to his Pokemon.
“We should get back to the park entrance.” Sun said with a smile. “The Professor will want to see you, Soren! And we can meet up with the others, too! Let’s go, guys!” Sun then ran off back towards the entrance.


Data File
Name: Sun
Repide (Lvl 8 Rockruff) [Moves: Double Team, Bite, Sand Attack, Tackle]
Soren (Lvl 8 Rowlet) [Moves: Leafage, Peck, Growl, Tackle]
Badges: 0
Pokedex: 2

I've brought characters into this series that I never created, and we'll be seeing more of them next time! Thanks to @PyroGaleZX for creating Kate, @Ry_Burst for creating Jace and @Pretty Pichu for creating Professor Ropa Teak!
Want to help with the series? You can help in creating some more characters! We still need four Gym Leaders, and we need at least one of them soon!
  1. Cloudswift
    I don't have it, and I think I'd rather not. I'm content with 'Charms.
    Nov 16, 2017
  2. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    @Cloudswift Yeah ya do. But you don't need to pay for Discord - it's Skype but better.
    Nov 15, 2017
    Cloudswift likes this.
  3. Cloudswift

    Don't I need to have Discord or something?
    Nov 15, 2017
    Eeveechu151 likes this.
  4. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    @Cloudswift Afraid the evil team role is already filled out. But on the topic of evil teams, feel free to join Team Chimera!
    Nov 15, 2017
    Cloudswift likes this.
  5. Cloudswift
    Can I join the general notification squad? And if you could give me an idea of the evil team of the region, maybe I could make a leader/admin? I would have wanted to make another Trainer to join the squad, but I'm guessing that you're gonna shoot that one down.
    Nov 15, 2017
    Eeveechu151 likes this.
  6. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Oct 7, 2017
  7. DopeLeafeon470
    are we going with the natural disasters idea er nah?
    Oct 7, 2017
  8. Magicswirls
    For this series
    Sep 27, 2017
  9. Mechanist Gamma
    Sep 27, 2017
  10. Magicswirls
    Can I join notif squad pls
    Sep 27, 2017
    Eeveechu151 likes this.
  11. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    General Notification Squad: @Pen-and-Parchment, @Mewtwofan259
    Sol Rising Notification Squad:
    Want to be alerted every time a new written work comes out? Tell me that you want to be part of the Notification Squad! You can specify a specific series you want to be alerted to, or just join my general Notification Squad to be alerted of all of my written work stuff!
    Sep 25, 2017