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Smiling Embertail Gif

by Curtkid

.Embertail smile animation 2.kra-autosave.gif
Curtkid So I tried my hand at animation...emphasis on "tried", but hey, it's movement!

Yesterday I got home from work and decided "You know what, I want to give animation a shot!"...2.5 hours of drawing and fiddling with the program and another 2 hours of figuring out what to download so I could upload it, and this is the result...

Yeah, this was just a test to get a (very) basic feel of Kitra's animation capabilities as well as try to get an, again, very basic feel for how animation works. I didn't even shade it, but it's definitely animation! Not good or very fluid animation, but animation none the less. I figured the first thing I should animate should be something I'm familiar with, so of course my favorite Pokemon, Embertail would be the perfect choice!

I know in time I'll probably look back at this and thing "wow, I can believe I was proud of this, it looks terrible!" But I'm proud of it now, even if it looks a bit awkward it's still, in the looses sense, animation. We all got to start somewhere when trying something new, and a proper first step is really important, even if you're a little embarrassed at the quality down the road! I probably won't upload it anywhere else, I just want to leave it somewhere, if only as a personal record of my first "animation", and if there's anyone who might see some good in this, it's the good folks of 'charms. I know there's only a few of you, but I'm glad to know there's people who enjoy my occasional art posts!

As always, thanks to everyone who comments, leaves a like, ect.

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and the Pokemon Company...who are half the reason I got into drawing in the first place!
  1. Vacat1o
    Very nice.
    Feb 19, 2019
    Curtkid likes this.
  2. DizzyW
    Oooh this is cool!
    Feb 19, 2019
    Curtkid likes this.