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by Zixal

Zixal I'm not a super big, deep-into-lore, played-most-games Sonic the Hedgehog fan, but I share the same sentiment with his franchise as I do the Kirby franchise- they've made up a pretty substantial part of my childhood with their games, and it's for that reason that I recall both of them so fondly. The Sonic franchise, admittedly, is a way bigger goldmine for OCs. There's astronomical amounts of lore and things going on in the background that characters could easily be written around, and that's sort of how I got involved in RP around it.

I don't have very many OCs in the Sonic franchise; my only others are an artificial intelligence made into a flesh body called Tita, and some tribal sorcerer. This one, however, came around recently, and is more of an adaptation of a character concept who was brought over into the Sonic universe and given a fresh set of exposition. And thus-

Meet Sloth, an anthropomorphic three-toed sloth who was very irresponsibly and lazily named by her parents. Lethargic, cynical, and selfish, Sloth is anything but a faithful or joyful companion, as she spends more time lazing around and eating everyone else's food than she does giving any number of shits about the struggles or trials that other people have to go through. She is apathetic and careless, and only holds people in value to as much as they can provide for her, such as giving her free food or places to sleep. She is also evasive of drama and conflict, as she hates spending any amount of physical or mental energy on anything that isn't food, sleep, or otherwise lazing around, which are the only things she truly holds any personal value in. And most of all, she is nigh emotionless, expressing no sensations of joy, sorrow, anger, or distress of any kind. Whether this is against her free will or a habit she has built up over her years of life, is something she refuses to share. "Friendship" or any form of comradery is nonexistent to her, or a facade that someone uses to get things out of others, and therefore, she refuses to care at all about anyone to such a degree, seeing it as a waste of her energy in believing a lie.

Don't be deceived by her sluggish movements, stagnant expression, and lackluster attitude- Sloth isn't nearly as frail or weak as she looks. The three-toed sloth is more than capable of crushing vehicles with her comical strength. In fact, on multiple roleplay occasions, she's managed to crush machines built for combat with her own claws. Though she may not be very fast, nor have the greatest reaction time, Sloth's astronomical physical strength has lended its hand in allowing her free access to food, shelter, and the destruction of things that threaten her life. Though, it should be noted that she rarely ever seems to use this titanic strength for actual combat, or for anything other than allowing her easier access to food, as most of the time, she will avoid conflict and fighting as much as she can. Not out of fear, but out of lethargy. She'll more than likely fall asleep in the middle of a battleground than she will fight her way out of it.

Oh, and, as tempting as it is... do not, under any circumstance, give her coffee.