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Slasher Movie Icon Free For All!

by ManyAchievables

ManyAchievables What would happen if Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Jason Voorhees, Chucky and Leatherface were all to fight to the death? Let's find out.
So... this is something random I decided to do for fun.
Chucky from Child's Play.
Freddy Krueger from Nightmare On Elm Street.
Michael Myers from Halloween.
Jason Voorhees from Friday The 13th.
Ghostface from Scream.
Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
These 6 are absolute icons of horror. They all have inspired a long line of other slasher films and are undoubtedly extremely popular (except for Scream since we haven't seen a new one since like 2009 but anyways). So, what would happen if all of them were to fight to the very end? Let's make like Jason Voorhees and jump into the water.
(Please excuse the bad joke. I'm bad at jokes.)
The way I'll work this out is by:
1) Discussing their abilities.
2) Discussing the rules of the free for all.
3) Ranking who would die first to who would win.

1) The Slasher's Abilities
Chucky is a tiny little puppet with a devilish soul. He was just a regular man when he started killing, but has since then transferred his soul into multiple different puppets. Or been remade as the same puppet. Or been remoulded after a few of his remains dripped into a container like what is even going on anymore? Chucky is generally pretty basic in terms of abilities, he uses knives, guns, all that good stuff, but since he's a puppet he's a much smaller target than that of every other slasher in this.

Ghostface is actually multiple killers, but for this one we'll be using arguably the best one: The one from Scream 3. Say what you will about that movie itself and how it sucks and isn't realistic, but Roman Bridger is the strongest Ghostface that has died.
Ghostface (at least this one) wields a handgun and a knife. Ghostface prefers to stalk his victims until he will know enough to figure out their victim. Also, this Ghostface wears a bulletproof vest, which could be useful if someone tries to shoot 'em in the chest.

Freddy Krueger was just a mortal man when he first began killing. He killed nearly 20 kids, was caught by the police, and then released on a technicality. Because of this, the parents of the kids he killed trapped him in a boiler room and burnt him alive.
After his first death, he became a lot stronger. Now, he can haunt the dreams of children, messing with them, torturing them in unique and creative ways and kill them while they're asleep. He uses his signature hand glove with knives attached to the fingers. Apart from that, there's not a lot of stuff that he uses that isn't just too random.

Michael Myers is pure, emotionless evil. Much like Ghostface, he stalks his victims and then finishes them off when he gets the right moment. He mainly uses a classic kitchen knife. Swift, deadly, and will never run out of bullets. While he mainly has a liking to kitchen knives, he'll honestly use anything to kill people, like that one time he killed someone by stabbing them with a double barrel shotgun.

Jason Voorhees is the son of Pamela Voorhees. Jason originally "died" by drowning in Crystal Lake. His mother then sought out revenge against the Camp Counsellors in the original movie. Then it was found out he was alive and then every movie after that was him seeking revenge for the death of his mother. He also went to space! And then was forgotten.
Jason is near silent, and uses a sturdy machete as his most common weapon, but honestly he'll use anything handy, like the most iconic kill in the movie where he slams a camper onto a tree while they were still in a sleeping bag like dang, that's brutal as all hell.

Leatherface is a relatively normal man, he just has a big appetite for human flesh, a thing for wearing skin on his face, and a giant chainsaw. The chainsaw is his trademark weapon, but he also uses a trusty mallet. Strong and guaranteed to incapacitate any human in one swing.

Rules For The Fight
This fight will feature all of them fighting at the same time in a very simple street in a town, a place where all of them will be able to navigate relatively easily. This makes the match fair.
All of these characters have come back multiple times, so this will assume that if they die here, they're dead for good.

With that all said, let's get to the ranking!
Worst: Ghostface
Yes, unfortunately Ghostface is the first to die here. It's a tossup between Chucky and Ghostface, but Chucky beats him out by just a little bit. In the movies, Ghostface is often a very clumsy killer compared to others. Chucky is pretty weird, but at least he doesn't trip over his victims like Ghostface.

Second Worst: Chucky
Chucky is the second to go, simply since he's just not as capable as the rest of the slashers that survive longer than him. He's pretty simple, just gotta rip him to pieces and then you're done. He might put up a good fight against some, but for these guys, he's not much of a threat.

Third Worst: Leatherface
Sadly, the Chilli boy is our next death. While his chainsaw is perfect for decimating both Chucky and Ghostface, it wouldn't be too effective against the 3 best since he moves so dang slow...
Sorry Chilli boy, but you're just not strong enough.

Third Best: Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger (known by Sharp Hand Joe by some) is our third best killer on the ranking. The main reason I have for this is that his dream abilities wouldn't really affect Michael or Jason, as they don't really have much emotion, they wouldn't fear him, and that's the best way to deal with Freddy. Just don't give him the power of fear. Also, Jason killed Freddy in their official duel, so there's confirmation on that.

Second Best: Michael Myers
It was really hard to decide on the winner, and honestly I could see Michael and Jason finishing each other off at the same time, since they're so similar! If I had to give it to one though, I'd give it to Jason, for one reason. Michael usually chokes his victims to death, Jason will do just about anything to kill you. This would mean that Michael would probably try choking Jason and Jason would go for anything. Jason is more unpredictable than Michael in terms of kills.

Best: Jason Voorhees
It's Jason. 'Nuff said.

Thanks for reading this entire thing if you did! Also, tell me: What do you think would happen if all 6 of these guys would fight to the death? Lemme know!