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Skyland- The Mogura

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon The Mogura is a powerful machine created by the sphere to harvest and purify water sources to make them safe to drink. It was build with strength suitable to break off chunks from glaciers in order to get to water that humans wouldn’t normally have access to.

However, while the Sphere marveled their craftsmanship, they looked over a fatal flaw. The Human Body is 60% water. So the Mogura on its first fielding killed the entire crew, harvesting their bodies and turning them into drinking water against their will. It will not hesitate to take any organism that enters its ‘lair’ and convert them into purified liquids.

To attack, it subdues it’s foes with powerful melee attacks, capable of easily breaking through heavy bulkheads and armored doors. Due to easily shrugging off small arms and even heavy arms fire, one is rendered helpless to fight it. To make things worse, it can release a Tesla charge, stunning all those nearby with targeted electricity, enough to fry one’s brain while it harvests the bodies.