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Skyland- Commander Oslo and The Sphere

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon The Sphere. A widespread and militarily powerful government that rules with an iron fist. While originally established to handle the distribution of resources and humanitarian concerns post the shattering of the earth, they quickly abused their power, and now horde resources, namely water to stranglehold lesser powers into joining them. Now nothing short of a military dictatorship, the Sphere travels to all the edges of the once complete planet, using their authority to absorb smaller bands and fractured nations into their whole.

Enter Commander Oslo, a menacing figure that is particularly ruthless even by Sphere standards. He is not above laying waste to entire landmasses to get what he wants. He is a Seijin, meaning he has incredible psychokinesis abilities, strong enough to thrust ships straight down from the air. On top of all of this, he has strong telepathic senses, even going as far as to force his will on others, taking control of their minds and bodies at will.

Oslo and the Sphere both are never without their Brigadiers. These Robots are the backbone of Sphere operations. They come in massive numbers, with strength greater than feeble humans. Using their right arm mounted hand cannons and their physical brawn, they ensure that the Sphere retains their supremacy.